Preparing the Printer
and Scanner Targets
The next step is to scan the printer and scanner
targets in a single image. MonacoEZcolor will use
this scan to build the profiles.
In MonacoEZcolor, click the right arrow.
The following screen appears:
Follow the on-screen instructions to attach
the reflective IT8 target included in the
MonacoEZcolor package to the target
you printed.
If you use tape to attach the target,
make sure the tape doesn’t cover any of the
color patches on the IT8.
Click the right arrow to proceed.
Follow the on-screen instructions to place
the printer and scanner targets on the scanner.
Click the right arrow to proceed. The
following screen appears:
On some operating systems,
MonacoEZcolor lets you scan directly into the
application using the EPSON scanner plug-in.
Do not use this feature. To create a profile
that LaserSoft SilverFast can use correctly,
you must scan the scanner and printer
targets using SilverFast, as described in the
following section.