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30000800_manual_psb_10000_4u_30kw_en_04 Simulation mode
Apart from the panel technology there is also a simulation mode to select. Four options:
Controllable simulation. Voltage (U
, in V) and current (I
, in A) in the maximum power point (MPP) are vari-
able during runtime. The purpose of this mode is to directly shift the MPP into various directions.
Controllable simulation. During runtime, the irradiation (E from german “Einstrahlung”, in W/m²) and surface
temperature (T, in °C) of the simulated solar panel are adjustable. This also impacts the curve and the resulting
MPP. The purpose of this mode is to analyse the impact of temperature and/or irradiation on the performance
of a solar panel.
Automatic simulation run, processing a day trend curve consisting of up to 100,000 points defined by values for
, I
and time.
Automatic simulation run, processing a day trend curve consisting of up to 100,000 points defined by values for
irradiation, temperature and time. Day trend
The so-called day trend is a special simulation mode for long-term tests. It processes a curve consisting of up to 100,000
user-definable points. For every processed point on that curve, the PV curve is calculated anew.
Every point is defined by 3 values of which one is the dwell time. When defining long dwell times the day trend curve can be
supported by an interpolation feature which can be optionally activated. It will calculate and set intermediate points between
two succeeding curve points. Hence it should be considered to run the day trend with or without interpolation.
The day curve points have to be loaded into the device, either from a CSV file on USB stick or via digital interface. The user
selects the number of points according to the requirements of the simulation.
Formats of the CSV files to load from USB stick when manually configuring the function:
For mode
(required file name format: PV_DAY_ET_<arbitrary_text>.csv)
Column A =
An ascending number between 1 and 100,000 (the first empty index will
cause the simulation to stop)
Column B
(E) in W/m²
Allowed range: 0...1500
Column C =
(T) in °C
Allowed range: -40...80
Column D =
Dwell time
in milliseconds (ms)
Allowed range: 500...1.800.000
For mode
(required file name format: PV_DAY_UI_<arbitrary_text>.csv)
Attention! The values in columns B and C are real values which must not exceed the ratings of the de-
vice or the device will neglect to load the file.
Column A =
An ascending number between 1 and 100,000 (the first empty index will
cause the simulation to stop)
Column B
Voltage U
in V
Allowed range: 0...rated output voltage of the device
Column C =
Current I
in A
Allowed range: 0...rated output current of the device
Column D =
Dwell time
in milliseconds (ms)
Allowed range: 500...1.800.000
The number format and the column separator in the CSV files is determined by the regional settings of
the PC or the software used to create the files. The format must match the selection for the device set
ting “USB file separator format” in the General Settings menu of the device, else the device would neglect
loading the file. For example, an american Excel should by default use the dot as decimal separator and
the comma as column separator, which would match the selection “USB file separator format =