Dear user!
Before operating the interactive whiteboard for education and presentations ePresenter
(hereinafter - the interactive whiteboard, IWB), please read carefully this User Manual.
In case of passing interactive whiteboard to another person, User Manual and Installation
Disk should be also transferred.
User Manual is a property of LLC "Institute of the Newest Technologies in Education" (LLC
"INTE") and can be reproduced no fully neither partially, replicated in any way, or distributed
without owne
r permission (“INTE”).
The content of this document may be changed without previous notification.
Permitted to use in educational institutions of Ukraine
(Certificate № 591 dated September 15, 2010)
LLC "Institute of the Newest Technologies in Education"
Ukraine, 04136 Kyiv, ul.Severo-Syretska 1-3, Business Centre Syretska Grove, office.328
Phone +380 44 2060821, fax +380 44 2060822
e-mail: [email protected]