VGADVI Recorder Pro User
Rebuild or replace storage disks
Do not interrupt power to the system during the disk check.
4. When the disk check is complete, the main page returns and a summary is shown.
5. If any unrecoverable errors are detected, contact Epiphan support.
Rebuild or replace storage disks
The rackmount VGADVI Recorder Pro can be optionally configured with storage configured in a RAID array.
Periodically you may wish to clean the RAID array to start from scratch, or you may want to introduce new
disks in place of the old ones.
When working with RAID arrays it is important to keep the disks in sets that contain the same data so the
RAID will continue to perform. For that reason you should name your disk sets, i.e. set A, set B, etc.
If you need to revert from a multiple-disk RAID array to a single storage drive, all recordings must
be copied off VGADVI Recorder Pro and the other drive need to be completely removed from the
system. The system must then be rebooted before a "build disk" is performed on the remaining