EPFL Swiss Institute of Technology Lausanne
CMi Center of MicroNanoTechnology
Accuplate User Manual
Version of 2020-08-04
1. Introduction
This user manual explains how to operate the
Accuplate hotplate for baking steps of SU-8 films.
2. Login
Login on “Z01 Accu - Plate” with CAE on zone
01 accounting computer.
3. Operation
Place your wafers on the aluminium foil of the
hotplate (maximum 9 wafers in a batch).
The hotplate is controlled with a Präzitherm PR
5 SR controlled located under the equipment.
Make sure the controller is turned on. If not,
turn it on.
The Accuplate can operate in two modes:
Fixed temperature mode = “Regler”
Ramped temperature mode = “Rampenreg.
Programmer”, preferred for SU-8 bake
WARNING: Maximum hotplate temperature is
Select the preferred operating mode using the
appropriate switch.
1) “Regler” mode:
To adjust the temperature in this mode,
maintain the “blue” button pressed and adjust
the temperature set-point with the “up” and
“down” arrows. Wait until the temperature is
2) “Programmer” mode:
In “Programmer” mode, users can edit three
programs. Press “P1”, “P2” or “P3” to select
these programs.
Each program can hold a maximum of 5 steps
(ramp time + wait time each).
Edit each steps of the program by maintaining
the corresponding buttons and adjusting with
the arrows.
Note: SU-8 bake profiles are found in the SU-8
Temperature ramps will be linear up to the
temperature set-point.