S T E P 1
Using the orange
push-button, tilt the backboard
so it angles away from your
saddle. Attach the SKS adapter
to your seatpost
as high as
. Adjust the webbing on
the adapter so you achieve a
snug fit. Slide the rubber O-ring
so it sits over the loose end of
S T E P 2
Slip the pair of Velcro
straps up and through the rails of
your saddle and back to the front
of the opposing Velcro on the
S T E P 3
With the bag upside-
down, slip the
pair of Velcro
tabs (soft fuzzy, #1 on DTS
Overview photo), which are sewn
to each bag, through the loops
of the figure 8. Stick it back
to itself (#2 in DTS Overview
S T E P 4
Slip the thin Velcro
(the Velcro half with
the tiny sharp fingers) straps
through the row of skinny 10mm
webbing on the backboard.
Then stick both halves of the
Velcro back onto itself (see next
photo for clarity on that).
# 2 3 1 6 H I G H B O Y B R A C K E T I N S T R U C T I O N S — P A G E 1
PMS 187 red, PMS 424 Gray “o”, Black other text.
S T E P 5 — D T S O V E R V I E W
eoGEAR Dual Tab System —
to the right are the steps for
attaching a bag to a bracket (or
piggy-backing a smaller pouch onto
a larger bag).
1. Insert the heavy Velcro loop male
tab through the female webbing
loops or slots found on the bracket
or host bag.
2. Adhere the tab to the back side
of the bag.
3. After slipping it under the skinny
webbing, adhere the thin Velcro
hook to the heavy male tab Velcro
loop tab as shown.
S T E P 6
Take the male buckles,
which are part of the “Upside-down
Y Strap” and insert them into the
bottom female buckles on the
backboard (see page 2 to see what
this strap is).
Be sure the male buckle is pushed
all the way through and
clear of the
so it is free to slides freely.
S T E P 7
Insert the male buckles
from the “Horizontal Compresskion
Strap” to the upper female buckles
on the backboard.
S T E P 8
The roll-top bags have
an elastic “hold open strap” for
keeping the bag upright will filling
or accessing.* Stretch over the
nose of your saddle. When you roll
up the bag, stuff this strap into
your roll. After filling the bag, roll
the top opening of the bag towards
the saddle a couple of times. Roll
it more times if you have less gear.
That is beauty of this design—the
bag reduces in size as you add or
remove the contents.
Some of the 9.3 bags have
a male buckle inside the bag
instead, which is designed to clip
to the bracket achieving the same
Attached to this elastic “hold open
strap” is a snaphook buckle. It’s
purpose is when the bag is used off
the bike, i.e. carrying as a shoulder
bag. Roll down the bag and slip
this elastic over the end of the bag
& snap it to a D-ring or webbing
piece to keep the top closed.
eoGEAR Inc.