Part No. 9920000201
WARNING: The Mirage p ow er sw itch MUST BE
OFF b efo re in sertin g o r rem ovin g the car
tridge. Failure to turn the p ow er OFF will ruin
the cartridge and invalidate the warranty.
The Mirage Sequencer Expander Cartridge increases
the memory capacity of the built-in sequencer by
1,024 events. "Events” include key strikes, pitch
bend and modulation depth changes. The total
capacity of the Mirage sequencer with the Expander
Cartridge is 1,357 events. The actual note capacity
may be less if the pitch bend and modulation
wheels are used during sequence recording.
Saving and Loading S eq u en ces
Using the Sequencer Expander Cartridge also
changes the way that the Mirage saves and loads
sequences. The Mirage automatically changes the
saving and loading systems when the Expander Car
tridge is inserted.
Without the Expander Cartridge, the Mirage will
store up to 8 short sequences on an Ensoniq Sound
Diskette or Formatted Diskette, numbered 1 through
8. With the Expander Cartridge, the Mirage will
store up to 3 long sequences, numbered 1 through 3.
Saving a long sequence on a diskette which contains
short sequences will erase any previously saved
short sequences in the following manner:
Long Sequence 1
will erase Short Sequences 4 & 5.
Long Sequence 2
will erase Short Sequences 2, 6 & 7.
Long Sequence 3
will erase Short Sequences 3 & 8.
Saving short sequences on a diskette that contains
long sequences will erase any long sequences which
If you attempt to load a long sequence from a
diskette without the Expander Cartridge inserted,
you will get a flashing "nc” message in the display
informing you that no cartridge is present and that
a long sequence cannot be loaded.
Model No. SQX-1