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EN109-1413760-47 IFU
This Bike Reha is intended for stationary cycling and to help you treat patients in the field of physical
medicine and rehabilitation. It is up to you as the professional user to consider the possible benefits
and potential hazards of providing such treatment to the individual patient.
The Bike Reha, for example, can be used for patients that need improving or maintaining
cardiovascular and respiratory capacity / fitness or regain or maintain muscle strength.
It is the professional user who shall decide for which indications the device is used.
It is up to the professional user to decide for which indications the devices can and can not be used.
Following the ACSM recommendations for preparticipation health screening, the professional user
should screen every patient by a self-reported medical history or health risk appraisal questionnaire.
The need and degree of follow-up is determined by the answers to these self-guided methods.
Patients diagnosed with the following disease, should consult with their physician prior to initiating a
physical activity program:
Cardiovascular disease: Cardiac, peripheral vascular, or cerebrovascular disease.
Pulmonary: COPD, asthma, interstitial lung disease, or cystic fibrosis.
Metabolic: Diabetes mellitus (Types 1 and 2) or renal disease.
The Bike Reha is intended to be used, and shall ONLY be used, by or under the supervision of
professional users in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation.
When using this product, always bear in mind the possible hazards of the treatment you are