Integrated Synchronous Servo Drives
HBI 22xx / HBI 26xx / HBI 32xx / HBI 37xx
Operating Manual Rev. 1.6
page 46
11.3 Operation of the DSerV service software
Menu bar
Function selection
Monitor functions
Display of...
Setpoint and actual values,
I²t monitor,
Input/output status
CAN status bar:
Node ID, CAN bit rate,
Statemachine, Network status
Drive status bar:
Device type, Serial number,
Firmware revision, Enable,
Error messages
Fig.: DSerV program window
The DSerV software is
a largely intuitive software
with a common Windows
user interface.
The menu functions of DSerV are explained below:
11.3.1 File Menu
The following functions can be selected in the “File” menu:
Connect :
Starts the communication with the drive through the serial interface.
Stops the communication with the drive.
Parameter up/download:
transmits the settings of the drive to a parameter file.
The parameter files can be saved with corresponding information text on hard disk /
transmits a parameter file to the drive.
For a clear layout of the selection, the available parameter files are displayed with
corresponding information text in a list.
Firmware download:
Opens the dialogue for the firmware update of the device. Follow the instructions.
DSerV loads new firmware into the device through the existing RS232 connection
during the firmware update. For this purpose, you receive the required firmware file
(*.hex) on request.
Closes DSerV.