Oct 00 R2
Power Vented Flues
Engineered Air offers Tjurland vent devices for side venting some units. If technical information is
required on the operation of the control system for these devices, contact a Tjurland
representative or Engineered Air. In many cases there are power ventors that operate only when
the combustion blower is in operation. This has a relay wired to the combustion blower terminals
on the DJM. If you need an operation description for this relay and some problems that have
been observed, contact an Engineered Air Technical Services Representative and request a copy
of section 38-56-L through P from their manual. Note that the afore mentioned documents
description notes some terminals that may have been re-labelled on later DJM models. Refer to
information later in this document for a table cross referencing the label changes.
Fire Without Combustion Fan
If there is a fire in the burner section without the combustion fan in operation, check to see if
there is power on the DJM2.4 terminal VFB24 or VFB120 and VN. Record the result. Next check to
see if there is power on the DJM2.4 terminal FR. Record the result. Next check if there is power to
the DJM2.4 “H and N” terminals. Record the result. If there is no power to any of the above
terminals and if the unit has not had any wire changed, there should not be any power to the
pilot or main gas solenoid valve. Very gently turn off the manual valve on the pilot line. Check to
see if the fire has gone out. If it has then the pilot solenoid is leaking and should be changed. If
there was no difference, gently turn off the firing valve for the main manifold. If this stops the
fire, this would prove the main solenoid-blocking valve was leaking.
Replacement of Combustion Fan Motors
Motors being used for combustion fan application are applied to a device
(DJM2 or DJM3)
reduces the motor speed. Speed reduction of a motor results in additional heat being generated
within the motor as well as reduced cooling capability from the motors internal cooling fan. If a
motor that is not designed for this duty is installed on the DJM, it may result in failure of the new
motor and/or the DJM. For this reason we recommend combustion fan motors only be replaced
with motors that meet all the specification requirements of the original motor. Also note
“Improper Burning” above.
Replacement / Location of Combustion Fan Wheels
If a combustion fan wheel is located in a different spot on the shaft then it was on the original
combustion setup it can both affect pilot ignition and the results of combustion analysis. Note
the following diagram on suggested combustion fan wheel location in reference to the pilot air
The two pots on the back of the board are factory adjusted and should not be field adjusted.
They are for the tachometer calibration. Only on the odd exception should the low fire light
off pot be adjusted, that being if the burner rumbles on during every light off
(even when
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