ENERGY KING EK365 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание EK365

Страница 1: ...ENERGY KING WOOD COAL FURNACE Models EK365 EK385 and EK480 l Installation Operation Maintenance Manual Energy King 325 Soulh Park Sl Reedsburg WI 53959 ROO 944 2516 www EnergyKing com...

Страница 2: ...r as an add on to an existing central heating system The insta llation of any furnace s not a do it yourself project To ensure the ENERGY KING Wood Coal Furnace will operate safely and efficiently the...

Страница 3: ...See Installation for further instruction s Disconnect all power to the heati ng ap pliance at the breake r box or service panel before perfo rming routine maintenance and se rvice Allow the heating ap...

Страница 4: ...loading door rapid ly ca n cause smoke or flame to flash out th e door See Operation for further instru cti ons aev A wo rking smoke detector must be insta lled in the same room as this produ ct For a...

Страница 5: ...e 24 Typical OperationCycle 25 Power F ailure Instructions 25 BurningWood 26 Starting a Wood Fire 26 Refueling 26 Burning Coal 27 Starting a Coal Fire 28 RefuelingjRecharging 28 MAINTENANCE 30 Creosot...

Страница 6: ...5 x 11 5 Door Size H x W Sliding Smoke Baffl e Standard Standard Standard Insulat ed Cabinet Sta ndard Standard Standard Wall Thermostat Standard Stand ard Standard Draft Cont rols Manua l o r Auto Ch...

Страница 7: ...B affle W hen open the sliding smoke baffle allows smoke and flue gases to flow into the chimney connector w ithout restriction When closed smoke and REV 10 2 2017 flue gases are diverted around the s...

Страница 8: ...ulation blower ope rated by the fa n lim it control fo rces air on a ll sides of the burn cham ber then into the ho m e s duct sys te m The blower can be m anu a lly adjuste d to run faster or slow er...

Страница 9: ...For you r safety it is important you r ch im ney be clean and free from defect or d amag e p rior to insta lling your Furnace 3 This Furnac e m ay require a n outside air source for combustion air W...

Страница 10: ...not only reduce the efficiency of you r appliance but also increases the risk of dangerous creosote build up in you r appliance and chimney Softwoods such as pine and fir are eas ily ignited and burn...

Страница 11: and sulfur than anthracite coal which may decrease the expected lifespan your ENERGY KING solid fuel heating appliance and its components Only burn high grade bituminous coal Coal Size Your ENERGY...

Страница 12: ...e w arning device in the livi ng are as of t he home The ENERGY KING W ood Coal Furnace is desig ned to be used in conj unction w ith a listed qes or o il fired furnace or as a centra l Furnace Placem...

Страница 13: ...his is for safe easy loading and cleaning of your ENERGY KING Rear The minimum clearance from the rear of the ENERGY KING wood coal Furnace to combustibles is 28 inches To p The minimum clearance from...

Страница 14: ...tion the hearth plates T he words W ood and Coal are cast into the end plate on opposite sides The purpose of proper locati on is to introduce the precise amount of combustion air into the burn cha mb...

Страница 15: 3 Control Box for Automatic Draft Figure 4 Control Box for Forced Air Draft or Figure 5 Control Box for Manual Draft b Mount the pre wired control box on the lower left side of the Furnace using th...

Страница 16: ...Installation REV 10 2 2017 Contro l Box for Forced Air Draft 14...

Страница 17: ...Installation Contro l Box for M anual Draft REV 10 2 2017 15...

Страница 18: e draft opening located next to th e ash removal door on th e lower left fro nt of the Furnace and secure using the bolts found on the d ra ft open ing Fo rced Ai r Draft Blower REV 10 2 2017 d For...

Страница 19: ...G W o o d Coal Furnac e until the installat ion is complete REV 10 2 2017 9 C old A ir Retu rn O ptional Filt e r B o x a Determine whether your cold a ir return will enter on the left or rig ht side...

Страница 20: ...inside a building Combustion air from outside may need to be brought in to prevent air starvation Although an outside air source is strongly recommended for all insta llations it may be necessary if T...

Страница 21: ...dard 2 11 an d all applicab le building codes and regulations When installing a fa ctory built chimney foll ow all installa tion in structi ons p rovided by the ch im ney m anufa cturer For be st perf...

Страница 22: ...irements T he Chimney must be at lea st 3 feet higher than the highest point where it passes through the roof and at least 2 feet higher than the highest part of the roof or structure that is within 1...

Страница 23: ...r should be as short as possibl e Horizon tal lengths of chimney connector sho uld have an upward slope of 1J2 inch per foot Use extra suppo rt hangers or brackets every th ree feet if it is absolutel...

Страница 24: ...rmi ts air to enter the chimney th us preventing the draft in the solid fuel heating appliance from rising any higher Install the barometric draft co ntro l as close to the Furnace as possible On extr...

Страница 25: ...d of metal minimum 28 gauge galvanized is recomm ended and must be installed in accordance with NFPA guidelines The plenum should be o 18 inches by 18 inches for the models EK365 EK385 o 20 inches by...

Страница 26: ...the heat output by lim iting th e a mount of fu e l rather than the air supply Shorter hotter fir es w ill allow your ENERGY KI NG heating a ppliance to o perate at m aximum efficiency and w ith m in...

Страница 27: any position between high and low to achieve the desired burn rat e for your home The 3 speed circu lation blow er is activated w hen the tem perature sensor of th e fan lim it contro l indicates...

Страница 28: ...ize the exposed surface area of each piece of wood b Only use woo d properly sized for your unit s burn chamber Never overload your burn chamb er Do not load wood more than 8 inches above the top of t...

Страница 29: ...low for passage of primary ai r to th e coal bed and prevent damage or warpage to the grate s Dispose o f ashes with care Ashes should be placed in a m etal container with a tight fitting met al lid T...

Страница 30: ...totally by th e draft controls on th e furnace A llow your ENERGY KING W oo d Coal Furnace to operate w ith draft contro ls fully open for approximately 15 minutes or until th e fresh coal ignites W...

Страница 31: alwavs stand to the side 4 If the coal fire has died down before recharging a fresh supply of kindling will need to be added Only add fresh coal to a deep hot bed of coals 5 Push the hot coals to...

Страница 32: ...ney connector and chimney should be inspected at least twice monthly during the heatin g season to determine if a creosote buildup has occurred If creosote has accumulated it shou ld be removed to red...

Страница 33: ...i ne as a guide for de termining how much maintenance yo ur ENERGY KING Wood Coal Furn ace requires to ope rate at peak performance Failure to clean and maintain thi s Furn ace as indicated can result...

Страница 34: ...during the summer months caused by accumulated ash It is important to give the entire ENERGY KING Wood Coa l Furnace a thorough cleaning Your venting system should be inspected and cleaned annually Cl...

Страница 35: outlined inFuelRequirements Improper Draft Too little or too much draft Insufficient combustionair Solution Adjust thedraft controlsand observe until you determine which settings are mostappropria...

Страница 36: rease th e amount or startup is slow or smoky of com bustion air by adjusting your draft contro ls Your exhaust or combustion air syste ms may be blocked Verify all vents and pipes are free from ob...

Страница 37: ...ease the amount pilot fire of combustion air by adjusting your draft controls Your home may have a negative pressure If your home is too airtight the ENERGY KING heatin g appliance cannot get enough c...

Страница 38: ...erating correctly doesn t produce as much heat as when first installed The circulation blower runs Make sure the Fan limit Control is set on Auto and is not on continuously cycles on Manual and off to...

Страница 39: ...onnected Blank Wire Connectors o Black load D While Rogers Fa n limitControl LL Yell0 t J limit 2 V yll l I D mlHl 1 Control ela k BIKk I Wall Thennoltal 0 Yellow I I o I 1 I ll e c _ _ m a _ J u ENER...

Страница 40: ...ectors White Roge hn Umlt Control g Diagram Forced Draft 0 Wiring Use Copper Wire Only l imit Black l win The m tal 0 0 J Ylliow I I Yellow a F _ _ I I I i I I iii iii I I I J l j U I I I I ll r r Bll...

Страница 41: ...l Furnaces Models EK365 EK38S EK480 Wiring Diagram Manual Draft Field Wiring Use Copper Wire Only Whit Roge nl Fanl im Control o Limit 811c fan Co Honey 1 Fi n lim it COfItrol Yelklw e o I 1 1 c o o P...



Страница 44: ...TY f STATE f Zlp CITY I STATE f Z IP COtlT CT COOTACr P oNE NUI l6ER P 1oP IE NtJI O lER COo o_ NTS Model and sen 1 nu mber life Iocloled on the IlIbel a n lhe 10 left fn nl a l tho un Service Mainten...

Страница 45: ...ner s Manu al Without th is information we wi ll not be able to com plete yo ur requested warranty claim Once we receive your co mpleted Warranty Claim Form and Warranty Registra tion Ca rd we wi ll s...

Страница 46: ...ZIP CITY ST ZIP TELEPHON E TELEPH ON E FAX EMAIL Mode l Serial No Dale of Purchase Date of Failure Datu of Repair Descriptio n of Fai lul1I l Repa irs M ade pl ease be specific Sig nature Date PA RT...

Страница 47: ...ERGY KING solid fuel heating appliance What Is not covered by this warranty This limited warranty does not apply If your appliance has not been installed operated and maintained in strict accordance w...

Страница 48: ...ntial damages or limitation of implied warranti es so the limitations or exclusi ons in this limited wa rranty may not apply to you NO EMPLOYEE OR REPRESENTAT IVE OF Energy King IS AUTHORIZED TO CHANG...

Страница 49: ...all Thermostat Thefollowing document wasprepared and published by Honeywell International fordistribution with their models T822K L T827K wall thermostats It isreproduced hereforreferencepurposesONLY...

Страница 50: ...d hot weter Va VII T822L System Settings Heel Off aellot models only Specifications Temper lure R nge 50 to OO F 10 to 32 C Openting Ambient Temper lure 0 to l20 F 1SO t0 49 C Open ling Rd tive Humidi...

Страница 51: ...ires bene ath screws th en re tighten screwa 2 Push eny e c ess wire beck into the wall op en ing 3 Plug th e w ell opening w ith no nflammab le insulation to prevent drafts from affect ing thermostat...

Страница 52: ...for your system eee table be low Your axatem Steem Hot wet er heat Warm eir high efficiency Warm air lltandard EIec1ric beet Setting 1 2 08 08 04 0 3 o o o Thermostat mounting Align the elet e on the...

Страница 53: ...I u In h poo 01 lIily l 1ID Of pfOduootwl_ 11 11 I bovI H IIjEYWELL SHAll NOT BE UA8lE F IW f lOSS OR REV10 2 2017 5 DAMAGE OF IW f KINO INCUJDlNQ AHY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEOUEHT1 1 DAMAGES FESULTWG DIRE...

Страница 54: ...U X Services a le e flent ele d e Hone y w e ll e n o o m posent Ie 1 800 468 1502 LNecesita ayuda C o nsulte ee b re eete p ro duoto e n http yourhome honeywell com o lIamando sin oargo a etencien 81...

Страница 55: Limit Control Thefollowingdocumentwaspreparedand published byHoneywell International for distribution withtheir modelsL4064B2640 Bfan limit controls It is reproducedhereforreferencepurposesONLY REV...

Страница 56: ...ave a spe cial high temperature range su ilabl e lor gravity heating systems g8S oil coal wood o Va riety of Ian and high limit seltlng ranges Bva ih l ble o Standard wire push tn terminals and fema l...

Страница 57: ...NE MOOnS TRADEU NE models offer fealures not availabl e on sta ndard mod els and are desfgned to replace a wide range 01Honeywell and Compehtl ve mod els TRADEllNE models ale selected an d pac kaged t...

Страница 58: ...85 A HIGH U 1 T DIFFERENTIAL 25 F 1 C LIMIT STOP SETT G 1 0 F to 250 F 112 C to 121 C in 10 F 5 6 CI n t spec en order ng U INIMUU SWI TCH O PERATING TEMPERATURE L 064A F J R_nu 010 F Im 1010 CI LAOI5...

Страница 59: ...NE 1 tf I i l _ L r I eii l l 101 1 I l al o 1 d o il _ L 1 m t lillO 1 0 1 _ L t I i lo t _ jill _ jc I J J i _ I PI STANDARD I h I G 7 1 _ _ _ U I J 1 _ 91 1 MOf Ov l Uu 01 A n I _ I ACC _ CCU FIG O...

Страница 60: ...nace manu facturer s In strucUons Th e elemel1 t must not touch any internal part 01tr e lurnace NOTE Tha elec tric al atm g is at max im um sw llCh lemper alure 01 190 F 188 C II plenum surlace lempe...

Страница 61: ...NG wtlan mounting on lrol o n br k at Mlacraw MUST Irlka I be am NOT tng 1 tacre atl1k__alng t t he _Iety function R n btIIand R U_ titre hazard L4064 B E F J R T W V may be mounted uSIng a rigid bl a...

Страница 62: ...r ol ca l Connec lion can be made to tan dard w ire pUsh in e rm inals or lemale receplac leS lor 1 4 In 4 6 m ml male Ilag connectors on both Ihe Ian and I mil 5w chel f lg 11 14064T W Y ha l mal e p...

Страница 63: ..._ _ c toW ox C _ r I 4 1 L J T ffi 1 1 I I oo v _ _ 000 _ u _ _ 0 K _ s Ul O C D YOt _ L o COO I U I M vo I n o Rli j c l t Ifll p OI A VI JI _ FIG l1 lOCATION OF Wl A1NG CONNt CTIONS FIG 12 L4064T W...

Страница 64: ...ealer Ia n o N seningll will be determined a ccat ding to Tables III and IV If no t ccneee ted tt en oP ef8lion ia the same a s a ll other devic e s AM8lENT HEATER WRAPPED 8lMETAL FA N SWITCH APPLIED...

Страница 65: ...e the heating c on tro l ceccu L 064T W Y The opera llon of tne L 064T W Y ar e the sa me except thaI the controller uses a bimetal heater In the Ian sw itc h to make the sw itch con taCIS if K lepenl...
