Description of parameters
Cerabar S/Deltabar S/Deltapilot S 4...20mA HART
Select level mode.
• In the "Level Easy Pressure" and "Level Easy Height" level modes, the values entered
are not tested as extensively as in the "Level Standard" level mode. The values entered
HEIGHT/FULL HEIGHT and SET LRV/SET URV must have a minimum interval of 1%
for the "Level Easy Pressure" and "Level Easy Height" level modes. The value will be
rejected with a warning message if the values are too close together. Further limit
values are not checked; i.e. the values entered must be appropriate for the sensor and
the measuring task so that the measuring device can measure correctly.
For an overview of the different level modes and types, see Page 14, Section 5.1
"Overview of level measurement".
• The "Level Easy Pressure" and "Level Easy Height" level modes encompass fewer
parameters than the "Level Standard" mode and are used for quick and easy
configuration of a level application.
• Customer-specific units of fill level, volume and mass or a linearization table may only
be entered in the "Level Standard" level mode.
• Where the device is intended for use as a subsystem in a safety function (SIL), a
"Device configuration with enhanced parameter security" (SAFETY CONFIRM.) is only
possible for the "Level" operating mode in the "Level Easy Pressure" level mode. All
parameters previously entered are checked after a password is entered. Once the
"Level Easy Height" or "Level Standard" has been selected, the configuration will first
have to be reset to the ex-works setting using the RESET parameter (menu path:
OPERATION) using the reset code
For additional information, see the Safety Manual for Deltabar S (SD00189),
Cerabar S (SD00190) or Deltapilot S (SD00213P).
• Level Easy Pressure
Specify two pressure-level value pairs for this level mode. The pressure measured value
is converted directly to the unit which is selected via the OUTPUT UNIT parameter
Page 60). Two calibration modes, "Wet" and "Dry", are available.
– Wet calibration takes place by filling and emptying the container. In the case of two
different levels, the level, volume, mass or percentage value entered is assigned to
the pressure measured at this point in time.
– Dry calibration is a theoretical calibration. For this calibration, specify two pressure-
level value pairs via the EMPTY CALIB., EMPTY PRESSURE, FULL CALIB. and
FULL PRESSURE parameters.
Parameter descriptions see Page 61 ff.
• Level Easy Height
For this level mode, specify a height unit, density and two height-level value pairs. The
pressure measured value is converted to a height value using the density entered and
the height unit. Two calibration modes, "Wet" and "Dry", are available.
– Wet calibration takes place by filling and emptying the container. In the case of two
different levels, the level, volume, mass or percentage value entered is assigned to
the converted height value.
– Dry calibration is a theoretical calibration. For this calibration, specify two height-
level value pairs via the EMPTY CALIB., EMPTY HEIGHT, FULL CALIB. and FULL
HEIGHT parameters.
Parameter descriptions see Page 65 ff.
• Level standard
Once you have selected this level mode, you can use the LEVEL MODE parameter
Page 68) to choose between "Linear", "Pressure Linearized" and "Height
Factory setting:
Level Easy Pressure
For LEVEL SELECTION = "Level Easy Pressure" see Page 58, Table 8.
For LEVEL SELECTION = "Level Easy Height" see Page 62, Table 9.
For LEVEL SELECTION = "Level standard" see Page 67, Table 10.
MEASURING MODE – on-site operation
Parameter name