4 Mechanical Installation
ControlCare Panel PC SPC350
Mechanical Installation
ControlCare Panel PCs are designed for use in industrial environments and can be mounted in
racks, cabinets, cabinet doors, consoles or control panels. They are approved for use in closed rooms.
When installing, please observe the specifications in Chapter 7, Technical Data.
The Panel PC may not be subjected to direct sunlight or other source of light.
Before installing or commissioning:
• Allow the device enough time to adapt to room temperature.
• If there is any danger of condensation, make sure that the device is absolutely dry before
switching it on.
The temperature of the surrounding air during operation may not 45°C (110°F). It is
important that the device does not overheat during operation.
• Ventilation slits at the top and bottom of the housing allow air to circulate and cool the device
during operation. Ensure that these slits are always free.
• If the device is mounted in a panel, housing etc., it is important that there is no accumulation
of heat.
• Ensure that there is sufficient volume for the exchange of air within cabinets or consoles. The
clearance around the sides of the Panel PC must be min. 50 mm (2"), at the back min. 20 mm
• In the case of closed industrial housings, care should be taken that the air inside can circulate.
The maximum permissible temperature for such a constellation is dependent on the ability of
the housing to conduct heat and the circulation of the air inside. In all cases it must be ensured
that the temperature of the surrounding air does not 45°C (110°F).
• For the 19" monitor, the filter mat must be cleaned or exchanged from time to time.
Fig. 4-1: Ventilation
15" Monitor
19" Monitor