Maintenance and care
Registering color modules in
the software
To use the color modules correctly in the software, these must be registered in the soft-
Switch on the device. Start the software.
Select menu item Extras | Color modules.
The Edit color modules window opens. The available color modules are listed on the
left-hand side of the window.
Figure 13Selection window for color modules. Note: With software version 4.1 and
higher, only the color module names are displayed in the "color modules" list, and
not the complete module code.
Select the module installed in the device from the Color modules list.
Activate the Properties checkbox and select the position the module has been in-
stalled in the device at. Add further dye names if these are not included in the list.
Click on [Accept].
Follow the above instructions for every installed color module.
Close the window with [Close].
The inserted color modules are ready for measurements.
Adding a new color module to
the list
If you cannot find a color module in the list, it must be created new:
On the left side of the Edit color modules window, click on [Add].
A new color module with the name COLOR. is created.
Activate the Properties checkbox. Enter the position, the module code and the dyes
in the right side of the window.
The color module is available in the software.
Removing a color module
A color module that is not required can be removed from the software.
Mark the color module in the Color modules list and click on [Delete].
The color module has been removed from the software.