UVX 300G Operating Instructions
Document no.
The display range is 00 through 99. The decimal points indicate the LED intensity level. The
RED LED above the display indicates that the intensity level exceeds the threshold setting.
Connect cable to power supply observing correct polarity. Reference wiring diagram.
NOTE: The remote lock input, pin 5 on the connector (yellow wire), must be left unconnected or
pulled to ground to allow operation of keys on sensor.
Apply power; sensor will initialize and perform its power up sequence.
The relative intensity will be displayed. By aiming the sensor away from any objects the display
will indicate 00. Aim the sensor at your target or a white piece of paper and the display will
indicate an intensity measurement. Move the target further away from the sensor to decrease
the intensity level.
Press and release either key located below the display to view the current gain setting. R1
indicates a gain of 1; R2 indicates a gain of 2 and so on through R5. After several seconds the
sensor will return to the normal intensity display mode. While the current gain setting is shown
on the display, press the + or
key to increase or decrease the setting, then wait several
seconds for the sensor to return to the normal intensity display mode.
User programmable parameters are discussed in detail in the following sections.
Power up
Upon power up, the sensor initializes by turning on all segments on the display and sequencing
through red, yellow and green on the status LED located above the display.
Intensity display mode
During normal operation the sensor display will indicate the relative intensity of a target within
the viewing area. The range of the relative intensity display is 00 through 99. The decimal
points on the display indicate the LED output intensity. No decimal points indicate low, one
decimal point indicates medium and two decimal points indicate high intensity.
When the relative intensity level exceeds the threshold setting the red status LED will turn on
and the discrete output will activate, indicating detection of the target. When the relative
intensity level drops below the threshold (as determined by the hysteresis setting), the red LED
will extinguish and the discrete output will de-activate. The threshold setting allows the user to
select the detection level. The default setting is 15.
While the current threshold is shown on the display, press the + or
key to increase or
decrease the setting, then wait several seconds for the sensor to return to the normal intensity
display mode.