Washable Reusable Droplet Masks
Quick Guide to using your
BeSafeSA Mask
droplet masks are intended to cover both your
mouth and nose. They are designed with material that can
block large particles like droplets, splashes, sprays and
splatter — all of which may contain viruses or bacteria that
may be harmful to others. Note: the “Be Safe Mask” is
effective in preventing the spread of the virus but is not a
medically certified device to protect an individual from
contracting the virus.
Steps on how to use the mask:
Step 1: Clean your hands
Before touching a mask, wash your hands
thoroughly with soap and
running water for 1
minute or apply a 70% alcohol sanitizing solution.
Always use a clean paper towel to dry your hands,
and then place that paper towel into a trash bin.
Tip: Before throwing away your towel, use it to close the tap or open or close a
door after you’ve washed your hands.
Step 2: Orientate the mask properly.
The side of the mask that has a white block disclaimer
message should face towards you.
Note: The top of the mask has 2 cut-out valves as indicated
by the pen in this picture. These valves will help to seal the
mask whilst ensuring that spectacles will not fog over.
Step 3: Place the mask on your face and tie the top strap.
In order for the mask to fit neatly over your face, the top and
bottom portion of the mask has side straps that must be tied
around your head and/or neck for a comfortable adjustable
fit. Pick up the mask by the upper ties, place the ties around
the back of your head and or neck and attach them together
with a knot. Make sure the mask is positioned over the
bridge of your nose.
Step 4: Tie the lower strap of the mask
You can now tie the lower strap around your neck and
ensure the mask fits well over your nose.
Step 5: Fit the mask to your face and under your chin.
Once the mask is completely secured on your face, adjust it
to ensure it covers your face and mouth, so that the bottom
edge is under your chin.
Slide the side of the mask to take on the form of your face.
You may have to adjust the tension of the lower strap after
the slide adjustment.
Do adjust or touch the mask without cleaning your hands
first. The eMoyo mask is extra large to help prevent you
from touching your face with your hands.
Step 6: Pulling the mask down around your neck
When in a safe situation and you temporarily need to
remove the mask for example, to eat, pull the mask down to
rest around your neck.Do not remove the mask or adjust it
without first cleaning your hands. Do not let the mask lie
around as this will pose a possible health risk to other
people. When pulling it back over your face, wash your
hands thoroughly before and after the procedure.
Step 7: Removing the mask from your face
Clean your hands before removing your mask for longer
periods. There is no need to untie the straps. You can pull the
mask up over your head.
Step 8: Washing your mask
Once finished using the mask for the day, wash your hands
and your mask
immediately after you remove it.
Wash the mask with soap in 60°C hot water, for 2 minutes,
rinse and hang to dry.
Help line:
+27 11 782 1154
This is not a medically certified device.
Avoid touching the mask while using it. If you do need to touch your mask, clean your hands first with alcohol-based hand rub or soap & running water.
Do not leave the mask lying around. Pull it down around your neck when not in use. Wash it yourself on a regular basis with soap and 60°C hot water.