CG Drives & Automation, 01-6142-01r0
Getting Started
Test run
Now the configuration is finished; time to test that every-
thing works as expected
Sump Level
By default the sump level should be shown as first row in
[100] menu. Make sure current sump level displayed corre-
sponds to actual level in the sump.
Run switches
Make sure the external Auto/Off/Manual switch is config-
ured correctly
1. Go to menu “[746] Pump mode”. In this menu the
mode for the pumps are shown.
2. Make sure “Off ” is shown for both pumps. If not make
sure the switch is working, in right position and correctly
connected. Also inspect the configuration in menu
“[52X] DigIn X” where X is the digitial input pin
3. Turn the full speed switch“On” for one of the pumps.
The corresponding pump should start and “[746] Pump
mode” should change to “Manual” for the corresponding
pump (the other pump should stay in “Off ” state). Test
both pumps. Switch both back to “Off ”
4. Change both switches to Auto mode.
5. “[746] Pump mode” should change to “Auto”
Verify “Auto mode” operation
In “Auto” pump mode the pump should start when “[3A23]
Start level” is reached. Monitor how the level decreases and
that the pump stops when “[3A25] Stop level” is reached.
Engage “auto tune”
program to optimize
energy consumption
When concluded that the FlowDrive appears to be running
correctly as described above the “Auto tune” program can be
started. It is designed to measure reference outflows and find
the best efficiency point. In addition the auto tune program
can configure the load monitor enabling detection of
obstructed pumps.
Load monitor
Decide if load monitor should be configured during the
auto tune program. The load monitor needs to be config-
ured to detect over/under load of the pumps during normal
operation; e.g. to detect that a rug has got stuck in the
Go to menu [3A42] or press the toggle button.
“[3A42]LoadMonTune” – Set to “Yes” if you want the
load monitor to be configured during auto tune
Clean pumps
It is not mandatory to run pump cleaning but it will help
getting accurate measurements in the auto tune program.
Decide if a pump cleaning should be done prior to the auto
tune program.
Navigate to menu [3B31] or press the toggle button.
“[3B31]Allowed” – Set to “Yes” to allow pump cleaning.
If allowed the auto tune program will start with cleaning
the pump(s).
Start Auto tune
The auto tune program will do a lot of measurements and
will take several hours, up to days, to complete. After com-
pletion the drive will automatically jump into normal run-
ning mode.
Navigate to menu [3A41] or press toggle button.
“[3A41] Start AutoT” – Set to “Start” to initiate the
Auto Tune program
The progress can be seen in menu “[7492] BEP progres” as a
percentage. When finished the result can be seen in the fol-
lowing parameters:
“[349] BEP Speed” – The frequency where it is most effi-
cient to pump at
“[94X] Flow log 1P” – Log of outflow and energy data for
one pump at different frequencies
“[95X] Flow log 2P” – Log of flows and energy data for two
pumps at different frequencies
“[41CX] Load Curve” – If load monitor was configured load
data at different frequencies can be found here
NOTE: Pump cleaning will reverse the pumps. Check
with the pump manufacturer that the connected pump
can operate in the reverse direction.
Activating of pump cleaning is necessary for “Load
monitor” to be able to clean the pump(s).