Rules and Regulations
According to
Canada’s Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations ( MVSR )
. A qualified e-bike (defined as Power Assist Bicycle)
must meet the following requirements:
• The e-bike must have operable pedals
• Upper wattage limit for the motor is 500W
• Maximum speed of an e-bike is 32km/h�
Other requirements include a permanently affixed compliance label from the manufacturer stating that the vehicle is a
power-assisted bicycle under statutory requirements in force at the time of manufacture. Currently, there is no license, no
insurance, and no vehicle registration required to operate a qualified e-bike according to federal legislation. E-Bike riders
share the same rights and responsibilities as other road users.
However, provinces and local municipalities have the power to restrict the use of e-bikes. Most provinces require the rider
to wear a helmet. Some provinces have special requirements with regard to the age limit to operate an e-bike, the type of
helmet required, even the number of wheels and wheel size. In Ontario, typically, e-bikes are generally treated the same
as regular bicycles. According to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO), the age limit to operate an e-bike is 16
years old and above; the maximum weight of the bike is 120 kilograms (265 pounds); the bike must have a brake distance
of less than 9 meters; Any modifications made to the bike’s motor to create speeds greater than 32km/h are prohibited.
As the rules and regulations are subject to changes in different provinces and municipalities. Please check your municipal
bylaw and see where you stand.