1. Make sure that the area to be treated with the
Spotless Beauty
is clean, dry and free from oil or lotion.
If you apply a warm compress to the area you wish to
treat it will open the pores and hair follicles to make the hair
easier to slide out.
2. Remove the
Spotless Beauty
handset from its case.
3. The
Spotless Beauty
comes with an interchangeable
tweezer system.
The gold-plated tweezers are ideal for removing single hairs
in areas that you want pinpoint precision, eyebrows and
sensitive breast hair, while the coil tweezers are excellent for
removing multiple hairs at one time, bikini line and facial
hair on the sides of your face.
4. To change the tweezers: Remove the cap at the tip of the
handset, where the tweezer is located, by using a slight
bending motion (fig 1). Then press the small blue button,
on the bottom of the handset, and at the same time gently
pull out the tweezers (fig 2). Place the other tweezers into
the handset until it clicks into place and replace the cap.
5. Since the
Spotless Beauty
uses Radio Frequencies
to remove unwanted hair it may cause interference with
other appliances that use Radio Frequencies, TV, radio,
cordless phone, etc.
Therefore, make sure that these appliances are not in use
where you are using your
Spotless Beauty
they may interfere with its efficient operation. (You can have
a microwave oven plugged in as long as you are not cooking
something in your microwave oven. Your cordless phone
can be plugged in as along as you are not using the phone).
6. Plug the
Spotless Beauty
into an electrical outlet.
The green light above the “OFF” button will light up
(fig 3).
Before using your
Spotless Beauty
read this instruction booklet thoroughly.
7. To turn the
Spotless Beauty
ON, just select a
setting, “HI”, ”MED” or ”LO”, and the red light above the
selected setting will light up.
For coarse hair use “HI“ and for fine hair select “LO“.
You can use “HI“ to remove all types of hair but for people
with sensitive skin we recommend to use the “LO“ or “MED“
There is no harmful electricity emitted from the
tweezers. When using the
Spotless Beauty
will not feel anything being emitted from the tweezers.
8. If the hair you wish to treat is very long, trim the hair prior
to treatment. Hair should not be longer than a 1/4th of an inch.
9. Clasp the unwanted hair between the tweezers by pressing
the large blue button on the handle. The Radio Frequency
Indicator, red light by the adapter plug, will get brighter
(fig 4) this lets you know that the Radio Frequency technology
is working.
10. For best results, grasp the hair as close to the skin as possible
without touching the skin.
Hold the tweezers closed on unwanted hair
for 20-30 seconds
11. Gently slide the hair out in the direction of hair growth.
If the hair does not slide out easily, some hairs are more
stubborn than others, gently tweeze it out. If the hair breaks
or does not slide out easily, the follicle may not be at the
proper stage to be destroyed. Wait a few days and try again.
12. After you are finished removing hair with the
Spotless Beauty
, turn the unit OFF by pressing the “OFF”
button and unplug it from the electrical outlet.
You can also turn it OFF by selecting the “LIGHT” button if
you want to use the clear skin feature.
fig 4
fig 5
fig 2
fig 1
fig 3
fig 4
fig 5
Thank you for your purchase of the
a two-in-one product that will keep your skin
smooth and clear. It removes unwanted hair from the
root and damages the root with Radio Frequency
Technology. It is a non-invasive alternative to electrolysis
that leaves your skin smooth for weeks. Since you are
damaging the root every time you remove hair, your
hair may begin to grow back lighter as well as thinner.
The hair remover includes two interchangeable heads.
Use the tweezer attachment for removing single hairs
or the coil tweezer to remove multiple hairs. Its skin
clearing light attachment uses the same intensity light
as the sun on a summer’s day without the harmful infrared
and ultraviolet rays to clear up blemishes and unsightly
skin conditions.
2x magnification
Built in travel
Clear Skin light
Comfort grip
To U s e T h e H a i r R e m o v e r F e a t u r e
After each session it is important to clean your
Spotless Beauty
Make sure that your unit is turned OFF and you have unplugged it from the
electrical outlet. To clean the coil-tweezers, use the brush provided (fig 5),
to brush off any hairs. To clean the gold-plated tweezers, use rubbing alcohol
on the tip of the tweezers with a cotton swab that has been squeezed dry.
Make sure that the cotton swab is not soaked with alcohol.
You cannot use the Hair Removal feature and the Clear Skin Light
feature at the same time. You must use them separately.
To Use The Clear Skin Feature
1. Make sure that the area to be treated with the
Spotless Beauty
is clean, dry and free from oil or lotion.
2. Plug the
Spotless Beauty
into an electrical outlet.The green
light above the “OFF” button will light up.
3. To turn the
Spotless Beauty
ON, press the “LIGHT” button and
the red light above it will light up.
4. Hold the Clear Skin light applicator above the area to be treated, without
touching the skin.
If the light applicator touches the skin turn the unit OFF by pressing the "OFF"
button so you can clean the lens. Put rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab that
has been squeezed dry and rub it on the lens. After cleaning the lens turn
the unit ON by pressing the “LIGHT” button.
5. Hold the Clear Skin light applicator over the treatment area for 3-4 minutes.
6. Repeat step 1-5 three or four times a day as needed.
7. After you are finished using the Clear Skin light attachment, turn the unit
OFF by pressing the “OFF” buttton. You can also turn it OFF by selecting a
hair removal setting “Hi”, “MED”, or “LO” if you want to use the hair removal
1. Do not look directly into the light source.
2. Keep eyes protected during facial treatments.
3. People who are sensitive to the sun as well as anyone taking medication
that causes sun sensitivity should not use the Clear Skin light attachment.
4. The Clear Skin light attachment should only be used as directed and is not
a substitute for professional skin care.
5. If you suffer from any medical condition, consult with your health care
provider before using this, or any other, personal care appliance.
Built in travel