Instruction Manual
Pressure Regulators with Type SP/P Safety Pilot
November 2021
Product Description
Complete pressure regulator with safety pilot includes
Type E Main Valve or Type D pilot and Type SP/P
Safety Pilot.
Scope of the Manual
This manual provides instructions for the installation,
troubleshooting, maintenance, valve setting and
parts ordering for Regulator with Type SP/P Pressure
Safety Pilot.
Figure 1
. Type E Main Valve with Type D Pilot and
Type SP/P Pressure Safety Pilot
Failure to follow these instructions or
to properly install and maintain this
equipment could result property damage
and personal injury or death.
Regulator with Type SP/P Pressure
Safety Pilot must be installed, operated
and maintained in accordance with
federal, state and local codes, rules
and regulations and Emerson Process
Management Regulator Technologies,
Inc. (Emerson) instructions.
If the regulator vents gas or a leak
develops in the system, service to
the unit may be required. Failure
to correct issue could result in a
hazardous condition.
Installation, operation and maintenance
procedures performed by unqualified
personnel may result in improper
adjustment and unsafe operation. Either
condition may result in equipment
damage or personal injury. Only a
qualified person shall install or service
the Regulator with Type SP/P Pressure
Safety Pilot.
Spence Regulators with Type SP/P
Pressure Safety Pilot