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Страница 2: ... r r I r I r r 7 OperatiOll r r r r t t r I r I r i r 8 Setlng th0 ClOCk r i r r t r r 8 DgftUgt By We ht r r o r r E Spggd DghOSt r 9 Cooking ln One Stage 9 2 Stage or 3 Strage Tlmg Cook ttg 9 COOk By Welght r t 1 0 Baked Potrato Quick Cook Pad r i 1 1 Ptzza Quldt Cook Pad 11 Popcorn Quick Cook Pad 12 Setting Popcom Quic Pad to a DiffergntTimg r r r 12 Beverage Quick Cook Pad i 13 Frozgn Dinngr Q...
Страница 3: ...g over edge sf taUc c countar lnto the oonbher SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS 4 tr When cleanlng rurfacee of door and oven that come I r t togethrr wl en cloting the door us6 onty mlld non abnaslrc soaps or detergenls applled with a sponge or solt 2 20 papor plaslic or other mmbustlblc materlale are daceO hElde thc orsrr to facllltate oooking b Remove wlu twiat 0es fipm pepcr or ptastic bags brfora pledn...
Страница 4: ...hauer I Do NOT use CONVENTIOruru THERMO METERS in the rnicrqryave oven They may caueB arclng tr Remove PI ASTIC STORE WRAPS before cooklng or defrostirq fuode in the oYEn A For FURTHER INFORMATION on propsr cooklng Lt utcnslls relcr to the COOKING GUIDE on page 16 Food 4 Never use your microwave oven br HOME CANNING I The oven ig not deslgned to permit propor cannlng lmproperly canned food may spo...
Страница 5: ...rave term for sparla in he oven Arcing F caused by Metalorfoil buchlng the alde of he oven Foil not molded to food uptumed edges act like antsnnas Motal such as twist ties poulty pins or gold dmmed dishes in the mlcrowave Recycled papertowels oontrainlng emall metal plecee belng used in ths microwaw DO NOT LEAVE OVEN UNATTENDED WHILE COOKINGI SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS ...
Страница 6: ...oven away from hot elr steam or aplaahlng llqulds when dooslqg a dec b locate lt ohenvlse the udts operation mey bo edverEoly afiedad caurlng lt bbruak down 5 PMrrupply Ched your local pqwgr Bourcr This mioronrap orrcn roqulnlg a 120V 60 lz pouror spply Ut a rsc ptads dut ulll acc pt tho gret nd pronS A A short po rnr supply cod lr provided b reducs the riskr rourldrg tom beconlrg entargled ln or ...
Страница 7: ...e roller gulde and oven cavity floor should be cleaned regularly to arroid excescive noise Slmply wipe the bottom gurface of the oven with mild detsrgen water or wlndor cleaner and dry The roller guide may be wasfied ln mild sudsy watar or the dishwater Although your own ls prwlded wlth rafcty fcalunr lt lr lmportant to ob rrc ftc fo llwlng a lt ls amportant not to dsfcat or tanpor wlth safety lnt...
Страница 8: ...ugh but not the microwaveE 9 Display Goo king time powsr level function lndbators and the present Sms are dbplayed 25 10 Froren Dinner pad Us d to oolr from dilrners 11 Beverage pad Used b heat bwerages 12 Reheat pad Used to reheat plated foods 13 Popcom pad Touctr tb oook popcorn 14 Timer pad Used to allor v the disday to operate a a kitchen tlmer 15 Power pad Used to set the desired cooking powe...
Страница 9: ...l sklp lf cooking at 1 X X see belor The display will show the percentage you clmse 3 Touch the START ST pad The display wil strow COOK and count dotrm the remaining cooking time in rninutes and secondt lt will beep four times and shor End wften cooking is completsd Touch the RESET pad or open lhc door to claar befors etailing another operation 6tlor f lTl f lo LtLl 2 STAGE OR 3 STAGE Tll E COOKTN...
Страница 10: ...DE and COOK and will count down the remainlng cooking tirne in mlnutet and secondc artd wlll beep fqr Umes wtcn cooklng ls cornpleted Tondr lhg RESET pad or opon the door to claar before starting anolhcr opcalion F _ t a t _ _ j q iq l i f i i en prrudi ffiil 1 ffiffii r slgp lno i plggiadiil lr il H qi iffiffi flfijtr slFH iil Hiflilfii iiri lieauE lq E ffiruiHi lr iffi ce m rao cru ilfi t ffinn ...
Страница 11: ...DE and cooK ard wil sunt down the remalnhg cooking fims in minutee and eeoonde and will beep fpur flnree when cooking is oompleted K PAD u t thb tb turc and tlrc oven will outomdcally sst thc cooHng dnro tar o onffi or frozen Gook plrre ao llollow 1 To reheat a thick slice or trrlo Emaller srices toudr the PIZZA pad onm totat cooking timc ts l minute 40 soffilds For a whole frozen pizza touch fre ...
Страница 12: ... beep four times when cooklng is cornpleted Fr 5t SETTING POPCORN OUICKCOOK PAT TOADIFFERENTNilE ll uclng a smalhr or largrr popccn pac egc you crn autdilatlcally ret thlr ovgfl tg a dlfftrrrrt pmct popcorn tlme lf you do chengc tfie popcorn tms the ovrn wlll condnur uslng thc new tmr rech nro thc FOFGORI I pad b loudtGd Chengtr thc popcom cooHng flrnr rs follona 1 Touch Ore FOFCORI ped twice ThE ...
Страница 13: ...rnpleted F BOZEN DINNER OU CK CooK PAp Ust thb t atull rnd th over wlll outcnullcellyr ot ift cooldng tlne bered oo lhr rhc rnd qrnnrttt ot fte liEen dlnmn A bullt in rtrndlng tlmc wlll hclp equrllzr the lsmperatrrr Cook frrozrn dlnrrrr ec fcltour 1 To heat 5 to 7 utno6 frozgn dlnner s touch he FROZEN DlNt ER pad once To heat 8 to 10 ouncs frrozen dinner s turch 0re FROZEN OINilER pad twlce The di...
Страница 14: ...e emrgy Lergc amounts d food shouH bc apmad out to rsodw nrorc cnergy tran einallcr fies Covcdng fy m 6t slc 3 wlth gravy will help epeed tte heafrB tight alry fEods Buch as dco d llcab reofood etc abso6 eneryy qrlcldy Place hom ln th csnt r ef ths phto Tho chlld Lod pruY nts uhur nted oren opontlon by rrtnll drlldron Thc own can bc ret to th trJconror penrl lr docdtated or lockrd 1 To activate pr...
Страница 15: ...e long beep NOTES Tho clo k wlll appear ln the dbplay when the umer lE oounting rlmn To vlew the tima lifi on lhe ilrner rlmply puc flll lffi lfrr unlrr t c ovcn tr cooktng Thtr tc usatrr io set rhc dmer ro so ofi whcn ou neea r u o tt nenge oldng d froctlrq foods Toudr th TIMER pad followod by ths RESET ped to canc l the ilmEr TO STOP THE OVEN WHILE IT IS OPERATING 1 Presc the TARTTSTOP pad The o...
Страница 16: ...pt coo more errw1y Shrpc llany fods rr uncvEll llkc r dtickcn ibs or hcccoll The thln p8rt3 uril cmk faeler than 0rr hdk parts ufiito unlformly filck fuodr coolt cvcnly To comp mste lbr iilogular shaprg place tfiln pbc bu ad thc oentcr of e dlsh and 0tlcker flecee torard the edge cif lhe dlslr Strfing Trnpaturu Frozen or lefrig r8ted foods take long r to cook Olan lbods at roorn tcnporatlll Bonc a...
Страница 17: ... ln special mhrowaw popFens Do not tre oil unleeg specified by the manufadurer or heat long r i tslrerm l l ry 6j to rypg Tlt ulg S 9 g s sn l dlHl qry s S g HOT SNACKS AND APPET ZERS Hot hors d oeuvrps and appetizers can be prepercd wry qulddy ln the oven by the hosbss or indivldual sorvlngs mry be peparcd bygu ots Meny pprlizorE may be cooked on flb serving pletbr plwldod lh6 platt r do r n n ha...
Страница 18: ...80 80 I 12mln 10 t3 min 11 16 min l0 mh 10 1 5 mln Turn over after half the linp 10 15 rnin Pork Boert Bonr ln Bonelees 80 t0 12 15 min 12 15 mln 10 mln l0 l5 min Covsr wfih r microunweblc courr Tum over afts hdf tlre tlnre Lmtb Roast Bone in Mediurn Well Boneless Medium Well 80 80 80 80 7 Imin I 12 mln I 12 min 10 14 rnin 10 12 mln 10 15 min Tum ovsr after haff the time 10 12 min 10 15 mln Becf P...
Страница 19: ...ih a microruarrsaHe coyef SEAFOOD Guldo for Gooklng Scafood Mhrowavlng is ona of thc easlest and tnogt Ellldgnt waye of prcparlng frsh and s afood whld stay delicab and hndcr wlth quick molct oooklng Overcoir ing dfi s out end loughona scafood so yog 3hould chock lt der lhc mlnlmum dme lf thki plecei llte freh st eks or lobster lalle are done on re outslde but still Ci ghtly transluent in tre mHdl...
Страница 20: ...rrlfnn owrcod ed Whcn eggs and yolke ette mlxed togelhcr br omeletr scramHed cggs or cudads ttr6y oook trcnly and nced leee atining than thc oovqilbnal oooldng mctho Do nol hy to cod eggc lrr tre shell Stsam can bulld up lnsida fio shale causlng them io burst Scrambled Egge Eggs Milk or Watar Gook on Power 10 Proceduru I Tbsp 2 Tbry 1 3rnln butter in srnall cassgrob and rne 4 I Tbsp 2 Tbep 2 4 min...
Страница 21: ...c Spears 1h Cuts 1lb 112 cup 1 4 cup 5 6min 5 7 mh 2 112 mln 2 min Medlum Caeserol Re anengs ollce Beans Fresh graen 1l2Jb 1 4 cup 5 7min 2 rnin Sth twlcs Frozen grsen 1 2h 2 Tbsp 6 7mln 2 mh Stir twica Green Peas 2 cups 1 4 cup 4 6 112 min 2 rnin Small caagorole Sfrr twie Bromoli 2 cups 1 4 cup 1 6 112 min 2 min Medlum cascerule Reanange onoe during moking Brussols prouts 1b 114 cup 7 Bniln 2 3 m...
Страница 22: ...Casssroles may rcqulra oooacional tinlng to dlstdbuls hoat They oook more evenly silrsn made w h lngredlenb st rimilar elze rnd rhapa Becauec ol hoh rhortcr cooldng llmc ceecaulee aod d ln lhc mlcruwNve o n lencnlly ncad lccg llquld Garrerolcr urlih cram attd drccr rsucst or moab whldt n ed llolw cooking to tenderizc ol brst on poutr l nl 4 When coolting a farorlto caa3orcle makc tuo and fraezg th...
Страница 23: ...andwtch 0 oz 1 2 I I min 2 3 mln 3 5mln Placs on mlcrorraveable plate Hamburgar 4 sr I 4 I mln g 5 mln Cowr u fth e mlsounvaeblc covsr Hot Doge 2 ozl 2 2 i112 mln Cover wlth a mlcruwavesble cover Sloppy Joes 4 1n mh Place on rnicrouravsable plate PASTA GRAINS Gulde for Gooking Paeta and Grains Raui long grain dcc tek s Ume to r hydrate Mictonavi4 ma b a lltte Ehtrbr than oofl rEntonel but h6 great...
Страница 24: ...ood lndlvidual Frozen Foods These nuy be comnnnlally prcpand or fto zen at homg Plars tho contEiner qf lhozen food ln hs oven and heat only until the food starts o o fro ind c n ue t rnot ilE rfo il ffifr cJsrore a rrrvtrg drdr end qrrnu r defrost and heat o o not h t toods t o rp ir iililiin fo crr P d d d r toppho urc rhe broihr of e oottw ttionel iltgc It ello iod b trcar o owinj i tr rffi i if...
Страница 25: ...e a mioorrvawrble ring nrold of your orn by pladnS a medlum aizo glase ln fie cenbr of a ound glass baklng d h Because pur cakes will rise h her ln mlcruunw oooldng narer frll nicrulnwable cake panr rss hfihdttull Raducc baklng podrr rnd todr by proxlmet ly ondouth vrll3n conrrdng r cmllrllqul ruclpc Flll paper llnod mufin 6rps b mly half fu wlridr dlfttB for muttrE to dec mqc lhan nomd Yor can pr...
Страница 26: ...b s cu ely plugged ln 2 Check that the door b frrmly deed 3 Ch d thalthe ooking time is set 4 check for a bhvm cirsrn ftrg6 s bipped marn drorr breekar rn your ho se 5 Ched that lhe Child Loc featuE is not engnged Spa ing ln thc cavlty 1 Checktheontsdnss dhhesorubns0slnlhoolurendmd ar th yar notrnotalorhawmetdfim fuerson AUTHORIZED SERVICE TO FIND TTIE LOCATION AND PHONE NUfI BER OF YOUR NEAREST A...
Страница 27: ...c to tollour opeiaung lnsuudbns provEad wnh hr prcdt il d odhaty adJush tts b fir pto ct wt dr can bc porformerl by auocrer I ouulncd ln tfie own ds marual e Slgnal rrception pmblams caused by xbmd iltura or cabl6 syfisns t Ploducb not purchas d in the thtt d Strhr g Demage to pruductaf us d outrug th Unlbd Stetec THISWARRANW lS NON TRANSFER qBLE AI DAI PLIES ONLYTOTHE ORtctinl puRcHASER A lD DOES...