Type Y693
Instruction Manual
Form 5342
March 1994
Type Y693 Gas Blanketing Regulator
Scope of Manual
This instruction manual includes installation, startup,
maintenance, and parts information for the Type Y693
Gas Blanketing Regulator (figure 1).
Product Description
The Accu-Pressure
Type Y693 Gas Blanketing Regula-
tor (figure 1) is a pressure reducing regulator with
external registration requiring a downstream control line.
It is used for accurate pressure control on pressure
blanketing systems. The regulator will help in controlling
emissions from the blanketed product and helps in
protecting against any contamination to the blanketed
product by atmospheric conditions.
The regulator will maintain a positive vessel pressure
reducing the possibility of vessel wall collapse. The
Type Y693 is available in 1-1/2-inch and 2-inch body
Table 1 lists specifications for the Type Y693 Gas
Blanketing Regulator. Specifications for a given regula-
tor as it originally comes from the factory are stamped
on the spring case nameplate.
Figure 1. Type Y693 Gas Blanketing Regulator