Emerson CKD1612 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание CKD1612

Страница 1: ...UnderCabinetCDRadio OWNER S fI I AA UAL CKD 612 Visitourwebsiteatwww emersonradio com ...

Страница 2: ......

Страница 3: ...AFETY INSTRUCTIONS 1 Readtheseinstructions Keeptheseinstructions Follow allinstructions Heed allwarnings 2 Before operating makesurethevoltage requirement of theunitmatches your localvoltage 3 Donotusethisapparatus nearwater 4 Clean onlywithdrycloth 5 Install inaccordance withthemanufacturer s instructions 6 Donotinstall nearanyheatsources suchas radiators heatregisters stoves or other apparatus i...

Страница 4: ...power source indicated onthemarking label lfyouarenotsureofthetypeofpower supply toyour home consult yourproduct dealer orlocalpower company Forproducts intended to operate frombatterpower or othersources referto theoperating instruction 21 Object andLiquid Entry Never pushobjects ofanykindintothisproduct through openings asthey maytouchdangerous voltage points orshort out parts thatcould result i...

Страница 5: ...t quality components and standards ofworkmanship lt wastestedby Emerson inspectors andfoundto beinperfect working orderbeforeit leftourfactory However thereisalways thechance thatsomeproblem mayoccurbecause of roughhandling during shipment totheretailstoreortothefinalconsumer lf after reading thisManual youexperience anyproblems withtheoperation ofthis product please referto theinstructions forobt...

Страница 6: ...ake certainthattheAC powercordis properly installed Whenmoving theset besuretofirst disconnect thepower cordandremove cordsconnected tootherequipment Donotleave mountor usetheunit in placeswhichareextremely hot cold dusty o humid Allowadequate air circulation to prevent internal heatbuild up Do notplacetheuriiton a surface or nearmaterials acurtain ex rugs blankets curtains etc which might block t...

Страница 7: ...eceiver Connect theequipment intoanoutletona circuit different fromthattowhichthe receiver isconnected Consult thedealeror an experienced radioiTV technician forhelp Thisdevice complies withpart15of theFCCRules Operation is subject to the following twoconditions 1 Thisdevice maynotcauseharmful interference and 2 Thisdevicemustacceptanyinterference received including interference thatmaycauseundesi...

Страница 8: ...issystem toanyotherpower source maycause damage tothesystem andsuchdamageisnotcovered byyourwarranty Nofe Thesystemhaspolarized AC plugwithonewidebladeandonenarrow blade Theplugwillonlyfitintomatching polarized ACoutlets Thisisa safety feature to reduce thepossibility ofelectric shock lftheplugwillnot fitinyourACoutlet youprobably haveanoutdated non polarized outlet Youshould haveyouroutdated outl...

Страница 9: ...yd bgtl dndog f Hr wil qtml h d il ffi Y dtd hgi td to g tt nd h h d rff Rffihitnpf ffFrHri tig 3 b 9 l ScX tl tffi fogt whd wrl go orqlrlcrt 6 gn er dMd bh d Pdvs l r d d J t r d w d b t q t h b h l l r d r L ln i dr tq d trd s lt Oh r n hdt itm tr h t o tt c dd Firo m et tt toua na a Uta s ffi h 9 6 pM h uod drlo tm ss s Fi uc 3 rqllh t ffi MNii ff F R d oPF b m ol h un ts btu luFt ro nn u e to ...

Страница 10: ...fthecabinet location Aor B of Figure l flush with thefrontedgeofthecabinet Useadhesive tapeto fixthetemplate Note lf yourcabinetis withoverhang foldthe template alongtheguideline thatis closest to the thickness ofyourcabinet overhang tapethetemplate ruith foldedportion flushup against the cabinet SeeFigure 1 Step2 Drillfour114 holesthrough thetemplate andthe bottom cabinet inthelocations marked Dr...

Страница 11: ...driver to tightenthe screws Usea manualscrewdriver and hand tighten only lfyourcabinet hasobstructions inside itwhichprevent youfromusing thetemplate cutoutthecorresponding areaonthetemplate butdo NOTcutoutor through thescrewholes 3 setsof spacers 4pcs set and2 setsof screws 4pcs set ofvariouslengths areprovided together withtheunit Cleanthe bottomof thecabinetsurface andalsoemptyyourcabinet befor...

Страница 12: ...10 ...

Страница 13: ...tton 9 M Memory I Setbutton 10 Open Closebutton 11 Stereo Mono Repeatbutton 12Randombutton 13Function CD Tuner switch 1 L Stopn button 15 PlayI Pause il button I Eandswitch 1Ai l Tuning I CDSkipReverse Search button 17 l Tuning I CDSkipForward Search button 13 XBASSbutton 19 Volume l button Power ACcord l 1 peaker 2 Oounter TopLighting 3 Counter TopLighting ON OFF switch 11 ...

Страница 14: ...n H6 Volurne button A7 M UP memory up button iiB Function CD Tuner switch i i9 OpenI Closebutton H16 H9 H10 H10 Cooking Timer 1 min button H11 Mutebutton H12 MEMO lVlemory Setbutton H13 PlayI Pause tlbuttonI Band switch H14 Stopi button H15 M DN memory down button H16 Volurne button H17 XBASS button H1B Cooking Tirner 10 min Cooking TimerOff button h p r 3__ s t 1 b E f Y s he r a q f H2 H5 H4 H6 ...

Страница 15: ... reduced andyouwillneed to replace it asfollow 1 Turnovertheremote andopenthebattery door 2 lnsert oneCR2025 3V sizelithium battery Dispose of usedbatteries in accordance withlocallaws andregulations t t WARNING DANAGEROF EXPLOSION lF BATTERY lS TNCORRECTLY REPLACED REPLACE ONLY WITHTHESAMEOREQUIVALENT TYPE 1 lrI j u J i rD o i i l l i j 1 A v r r A rJ rg7 g L i t l I _ i _ _ RPT I ROII I XBASS i ...

Страница 16: ...4 PresstheK or to setthecurrentminute pressM Set to confirm And theclockstart Note Theclockwillbe started automatically if no seconds during setting LISTENING TOTHERADIO Tuning to a stationmanually 1 Press thePOWER button toturnontheunit Press theFUNCTION CD Tuner switch until fUNERisdisplayed button is pressed within10 3 Press thetsAND switch toselect AMor FM Press the i Hbuttons totunetoa desire...

Страница 17: ...n PLAYING COMPACT DISCS 1 Press theON OFF button toturnONtheunit 2 Press theFunction CD Tuner switch to select playing inCDmode 3 Press the l OPEN CLOSE button toopentheCDdrawer Placea CDonto theCD tray withthelabelsideupandthenpressthe a OPEN CLOSE button to closeit TheCD willbe scanned andthetotalnumber of tracks willbe displayed 4 Pressthe l PLAY PAUSE button to startplaying theCD Thecurrent tr...

Страница 18: ...domplayback Thisfunction willallowtoplaytheCDin randomly order lVote Random playback canonlybeselected whiletheplayer isinthestopmode 1 Press theRANDOM button to playthetracks inrandom order RDM indicator appears in the display press tlbutton random playback starts Whenall tracks havebeenplayed the playerstopsandthe display shows thetotaltracks 2 Io cancelRandom playback pressSTOP il button the tr...

Страница 19: ...resstheM Setbuttonto register thenewlyprogrammed trackintomemory 5 To erasethe wholeprogram do one of the following PresstheSTOPt button or OpentheCDcompartment bypressing the l OPEN CLOSE button iVote You canuseREPEAT function duringPROGRAM PLAY XBASSFUNCTION PressXBASSto activate XBASSfunctionduringplaying XBASS indicator appears onthedisplay SETTING THECOOKING TIMER l Press theTIMER 10or 1 butt...

Страница 20: ...y wiping witha softclothshould remove mostparticles Wipeina straight linefromtheinside totheoutside of thedisc Srnall dustparticles andlightstains willhaveabsolutely noeffect on reproduction quality Cleanthediscperiodically witha soft lint free drycloth Neverusedetergents or abrasive cleaners to cleanthedisc lf necessary usea CDcleaning kit Never writeonor affixlabels tothesurface ofcompact discs ...

Страница 21: ...porates NO SOUND Checkwhetherthesetis connected securely Makesurethesetis notin theMUTEmode lf it is pressMUTEto turnon thespeaker Checkwhetherthe volumeon the set hasbeenset to the lowestlevel lf it has turnup thevolume CD ROM discinserted CD contains non audio files UseCDAudiodiscsonly Thesystemdoesnot reactwhen buttons are pressed Remove andreconnect theACpowerplugandswitch on thesystemagain Re...

Страница 22: ...softcloththathasbeenslightly dampened withamildsoapandwater solution Always disconnect theACpower cordfromtheACoutletbefore cleaning and never allowanyliquid to getinside thecabinet mYmer ron SERVICE TO FIND THE LOCATIONAND PHONE NUMBEROF YOURNEARESTSERVICE CENTER PERMITTED TO PERFORM WARRANTY CALLTOLLFREE 1 800 695 0098 FORADDITIONAL SET UP OROPERATING ASSISTANCE PLEASE CALL 1 800 B9B 9020 FORCUS...

Страница 23: ...s to covershipping andhandling costs iurdcnclose a copy of yourproofof purchase Sendyourunitto f merson RadioCorp 5l0l Statesffran Drive lrving TX 75063 Tlriswarranty doesnotcoverdamage fiom negligence misuse abuse accident l ailure to fbllow operatinginstructions Lrofflmercial Llse rental repairsby an unauthorized facility or products purchased used serviced or damaged outside of theunitedStates ...

Страница 24: ... Wer ton c K D 1 6 1 2 8 0 1 0 2 Printedin China ...
