December 2019
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
MAN-02-05-62-0742-EN Rev. 0
Section 10: BHH Dismounting
BHH Mounted on Butterfly Valve
Preparations before Dismounting
Before disassembly the actuator has to be emptied from the oil. This is done by turning the
actuator a few times into open and closed positions. On small BHH sizes a key is used and
on large actuators compressed air is used for turning the actuator. Before disassembly the
actuator is turned into closed position, i.e. the groove on the shaft has to be parallel to the
port surface as shown in the pictures below.
Figure 14
Shall be parallel for closed pos.
BHH 125 - BHH 500 are operated by key.
BHH 1000 - BHH 32000 are operated by
compressed air.
Shall be parallel for closed pos.
BHH Dismounting
Section 10: BHH Dismounting