technical bulletin
Document Part # 026-4703 Rev 8 10-JUN-2009
Page 1 of 18
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Installation Instructions: Control Link ACC Anti-Condensate
Controller System
The Control Link ACC Anti-Condensate Controller System is a stand-alone con
troller for anti-sweat
heaters in glass door cases. The Control Link ACC varies anti-sweat heat based on
dewpoint and temp-
erature around the door frame, providing effective control of door sweat with the max
imum amount of
energy savings.
Control Link ACC (P/N 810-6101)
The Control Link ACC (
Figure 1)
handles all aspects
of anti-sweat heater control. The on-board processor
calculates the required heater ON time based on the
dewpoint and door temperature readings, and controls
an on-board Triac to activate and deactivate the heaters.
The controller is designed to mount in the mullion
between glass doors or in any other suitable electrical
enclosure, such as a raceway or on the top of the case.
The door frame temperature sensor and dewpoint sen-
sor are mounted remotely and connect to this controller
with cable harnesses.
Four LEDs can be viewed on the front of the plastic
enclosure. They indicate the general status, heater ON/
OFF state, MODBUS network transmit, and MODBUS
network receive.
Dewpoint Sensor (P/N 809-6112)
The Control Link ACC uses an external dewpoint sensor
Figure 2
) to measure the dewpoint of the outside air next
to the case doors. This sensor is typically mounted directly
above or to the side of the case doors.
The Dewpoint Sensor is supplied in a mountable enclosure
with a12-foot jacketed cable with a four-wire pigtail con-
nects the Control Link ACC to the dewpoint sensor.
Figure 1 - Control Link ACC
Figure 2 - Dewpoint Sensor (6112)