Frequently Asked Questions
Embertec SmartSwitch™
Does the Embertec SmartSwitch™ PC switch off my computer power supply?
No, the Embertec SmartSwitch™ PC Series will never switch off the power to your computer
to protect computer hardware and data files. You are always in control of your computer’s
power status as long as it is plugged into the ‘Computer Only’ socket.
Do I need to install software on my computer to use the Embertec SmartSwitch™ PC?
No. The Embertec SmartSwitch™ PC just needs to be plugged in to use.
How much money can I expect to save by using the Embertec SmartSwitch™?
Independent field trials on actual usage carried out in real Australian homes has shown that
savings of approximately $140 per year in the AV environment and $67 per year in the PC
environment can be achieved for an average Australian household.
Savings are based on Australian field trials conducted by Energy Consult Pty. Ltd.
The amount of savings achieved in each household will differ depending upon the following:
• The number of appliances and peripherals used
• The cost of electricity
• The number of hours that equipment would normally be left on or in standby
• The amount of power consumed by appliances and peripherals.
Does the Embertec SmartSwitch™ draw any power when the connected environment
is idle?
Yes. However, the Embertec SmartSwitch™ has been designed and manufactured to comply
with the new standards in energy efficiency for consumer appliances, operating and
consuming less than 1W when active.
Can the Embertec SmartSwitch™ damage my equipment?
No. Embertec products are designed to protect your equipment, reduce fire risk and extend
the life of your appliances by turning them off when not in use. They also have surge protection.
Do I need to turn off the mains power when installing the Embertec SmartSwitch™?
No, Simply turn off the switch on the power point, connect your appliances to the
SmartSwitch™, plug the SmartSwitch™ into the wall socket and turn the power back on again
at the power point.
My TV goes on unexpectedly? I have not pressed any buttons on any of the remote
controls. Why is this happening?
Some light bulbs or anything that produces an infra-red signal can affect the operation of the
SmartSensor. Reposition your SmartSensor to another location to avoid interference. Make
sure it is still in the line of sight of your remote control and continue with normal operation of
your audio visual equipment by using remote controls.
Why does the standby light on my television take up to a minute to go off?
The Embertec SmartSwitch™ has been designed to cut the power off completely after
approximately one and a half minutes once appliances go to standby mode. This time delay
provides you with the opportunity to use any other appliances or to re-energise your system.
Why does Embertec SmartSwitch™ flash when I’m not using any of my remote controls?
The Embertec SmartSwitch™ is receiving unwanted infrared activity from other appliances,
such as fluorescent lights, mobile phones, computers, or other portable consumer electronic
devices. Move the Embertec SmartSensor to another location that is still within line of sight
and normal operation of your Audio Visual equipment remote controls.
In some cases turning on a light can activate the Embertec SmartSensor and switch your
AV environment on. You can check this by turning on the lights in the room. If the sensor
flashes when the lights are turned on, it means it is picking up infra-red. Move the Embertec
SmartSensor to another location that is still within line of sight and normal operation of your
audio visual equipment remote controls. Test by turning the light switches on and off again.