CNI 501 / CNI 503
Manual of operation
V 3.32
20 / 41
Test set up
When setting up the test national and international regulations regarding human safety have to be guaranteed.
All units, the surge generator, the EFT and the coupling matrix can be installed one
above the other.
The coupling matrix should than be used as central output for the
EUT and should be mounted directly onto the ground reference plane. The EFT
has to be installed directly over the coupling matrix to have the output connection
EFT - CNI as short as possible.
The surge generator VCS can be mounted besides or onto the other units. The UCS has
to be mounted directly above the CNI due to the short HV cable.
It is recommended to connect the simulator to the ground reference plane of the test
Figure 6.1: Example of a test rack with UCS 500M6 and CNI 503
Connect the following cables between the generator and coupling network
- Control cable UCS - CNI (15 pole SubD connector
- Control cable EFT - CNI (15 pole SubD connector)
Control cable VCS - CNI (15 pole SubD connector)
- High voltage cable, UCV / VCS - CNI (rear panel)
- High voltage common UCS / VCS - CNI (rear panel)
- High voltage cable, coaxial EFT - CNI (front panel)
(Black safety laboratory cable)
Additionally the coupling network needs a power mains supply of 115V /230V at the rear.
Connection of CNI / CNV 503:
1. Connect the earth connection from UCS 500 to the CNI 503 with
the delivered brass connector plate (fig 6.7.) or the two parallel
cables (fig 6.6). This reference ground and must be connected
with the reference ground of the test set-up.
2. Connect the HV and COM connectors for transmit the surge
pulses to the CNI 503.
3. Connect DUT power supply L1 to the AC synchronization of the
UCS 500
4. CN cable for control the couplings from the impulse generator. For
reduce the interference’s we propose to roll up the cable and put it
between the UCS500 and the CNI 503
Figure 6.2: Connections UCS 500
– CNI 503
Figure 6.3 : Connection line power and sync to UCS 500
Figure 6.4 : Connection the CN cable