The CMeX50 is a wireless M-Bus Receiver handling up to 800 wireless
M-Bus meters and up to 32 wired M-Bus meters. The product can
operate in all commonly used wireless M-Bus modes: T1, C1 and S1.
For a complete description of the product or for information in Swedish,
visit the Elvaco AB website, www.elvaco.com.
Wireless M-Bus Receiver
1. Serial number
2. Display
3. M-Bus master
4. Antenna connector
5. RS232 connector
6. DIN-rail lock
7. USB connector
Included accessorIes
The CMeX50 is delivered with a magnetic base antenna, an USB cable
and a RS232 cable.
The product should be mounted on a DIN-rail. The DIN-lock (6) on the
bottom is used to mount and demount the unit from the DIN-rail. To
fully comply with safety regulations, a DIN-rail enclosure must cover the
Power suPPly
The installation should be performed by a qualified electrician or an
installer with the required knowledge. The power supply should be
connected via a clearly marked, easily accessible and close switch
so the unit can be switched off during service work. The main supply
should be connected to screw terminal (9) and screw terminal (10).
Main supply voltage should be in the range of 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
Connect protective earthing to screw terminal (11).
M-Bus Master
The CMeX50 will store the connected wireless M-Bus meters and
they will be readable using standard M-Bus commands. Except from
handling wireless M-Bus slaves, the CMeX50 has an integrated M-Bus
Master which can drive up to 32 wired meters. M-Bus is a multi-drop
2-wire bus with no polarity. Use a cable of area 0.25-1.5 mm
, e.g. a
standard telephone cable (EKKX 2x2x0.5). Connect the wiring to the
connector (3). Do not exceed the maximum cable length of 1000 m.
The product handles up to 32 meters. Overloading the bus will show an
error message on the display and turn off the M-Bus bus.
All connected M-Bus slave devices must have unique primary or
secondary M-Bus addresses depending on addressing mode.
Mount the antenna in a suitable place. Connect the cable to the SMA
connector (4). If the included antenna’s range is inadequate, please
contact Elvaco for more information about antenna options.
CMeX50 should be connected to the antenna when the antenna
wiring is done. Otherwise the SMA connector can be damaged.
Do not mount the antenna close to any metallic objects.
Do not mount the antenna close to the M-Bus 2-wire bus.
Do not mount the antenna inside a metallic cabinet.
M-Bus slave Ports
The product is equipped with four different M-Bus slave ports (IR
interface left, RS232 (5), USB (7) and M-Bus slave interface (8)) to
enable wide integration. These ports can be used to:
Read the connected wireless M-Bus slaves as normal M-Bus
Read the connected wired M-Bus slaves (transparent)
Slaves can be read using primary and/or secondary addressing. The
CMeX50 itself is available as an M-Bus slave with the secondary
address equal to the serial number.
rs232 interface
The RS232 interface is used as a standard transparent M-Bus interface
over RS232. Use the included RS232 cable (RJ45 to D-SUB9) and
connect to any standard RS232 D-SUB9 connector.
8. M-Bus slave
9. Power supply L
10. Power supply N
11. Protective earthing
12. Keypad
13. IR interface right