BCU 580 · Edition 11.15
10 .10 Functions of terminals 50, 51, 65, 66, 67 and
The BCU is informed via terminal 50 by a separate automation
system that purging is currently being performed.
Terminals 51, 65, 66, 67 and 68 can each be assigned a logi-
cal AND gating with one of the inputs for the safety functions
(terminals 46 – 50) using an appropriate parameter. If AND
gating is required, the input concerned can be enabled.
Terminal 51 can also be used as a feedback input for the
maximum capacity position when operated with IC 40/RBW.
10 .10 .1 Function of terminal 50
Parameter 68
The BCU..F1, F2 or F3 supports centrally-controlled pre-purge
or post-purge. In the case of multiple burner applications,
burners with mechanical combustion air supply are used.
The air for combustion and pre-ventilation is supplied by a
central fan controlled by a separate automation system. The
automation system sends a signal to terminal 50 during purg-
ing. At this point, the BCU opens the air actuator (actuator, air
valve) regardless of the status of the other inputs. The display
P 0
Parameter 68 = 23: purge with Low signal.
Parameter 68 = 24: purge with High signal.
10 .10 .2 Function of terminal 51
Parameter 69
Parameter 69 = 0: Off.
Parameter 69 = 8: AND with input at terminal 46 (emergency
Parameter 69 = 13: Max. capacity position feedback (IC 40/
RBW), see page 76 (Parameter 40 = 3: with RBW.).
10 .10 .3 Function of terminal 65
Parameter 70
Parameter 70 = 0: Off.
Parameter 70 = 8: AND with input at terminal 46 (emergency