AHU Electrodes Humidifier - VEH
Elsteam S.r.l - via E. Fermi, 496 - 21042 Caronno Pertusella (va) - Tel.+39 02 9659890 - Fax +39 02 96457007
E-mail: [email protected] - Web: http://www.elsteam.com
General characteristics of the humidifier
The VEH humidifiers series is a class of electrode humidifiers specifically designed for installation inside
air handling units.
Normally in these applications, the humidifier is installed externally to the AHU and the steam is conveyed
through special piping and steel distributors (which allow the mixing of the steam with the air) inside the
The standard solution has numerous drawbacks and additional costs:
The construction of a technical compartment exterior to protect the humidifier
An antifreeze device which ensures that the water in the humidifier does not freeze in the ab-
sence of a request for production
The use of expensive and bulky rubber tubes for the conveyance of steam-
The use of steel distributors within the UTA
The formation of condensation inside the tubes and distributors with decreased performance
The need to install the pipes avoiding traps and depressions that would prevent the steam to
flow properly
The loss of heat to the outside through both tubes, but especially in the humidifier itself exposed
to low temperatures.
The family of VEH humidifiers, as well as the REH (resistors) and SSH (steam heat exchanger) families, is
able to overcome all these problems, greatly simplifying the installation costs and increasing the per-
formance of the product compared to the corresponding humidifiers usually on the market.
Structure of VEH humidifier
The VEH humidifier is constituted by two parts connected together electrically: the hydraulic part and
the control unit based on a microprocessor board. The hydraulic part is completely inserted into the
AHU, lying on the condensate drain tank immediately downstream of the cooling coil. The control unit
can be placed in the cabinet already aboard the AHU.
The hydraulic boiler is made up of plastic polypropylene “channel” having a section of 33 cm x 16 cm
height, and having a length proportional to the width of the AHU.
Inside the boiler are arranged longitudinally the stainless steel electrodes, connected to the power sup-
ply phases and easily removable
The lid is made of plastic sections with slope, so as to allow any condensation that falls by gravity into
the boiler in order to avoid power losses. Between the plastic sections is obtained a narrow longitudinal
slot which allows the output of the steam produced, that meets the air for the whole length of the AHU
This solution prevents the formation of condensate in the pipes and also prevents any increase in steam
pressure in the boiler due to blockages in the pipes conveying steam.
Picture 1 - Electrodes