v 1.10
Art.No.: 1126
is a professionally designed and built, micro processor controlled balancer/equalizer and
tester. The
is able to equalize the voltage of single cells in an accupack in a very short time. All
types of Lithium-Accus from 2 to 12 cells can be equalized. Because of the very high continuous performance
even high capacity cells can be handled in a minimum amount of time.
The development of the
concentrated on offering most complete and precise information of each
cell in an accupack. The display informs in detail about all operations in real-time and the voltage of all cells is
visible at all times. The entire processing can be captured by a PC and allows interpretation and comparison at a
later point in time.
In order to keep the charging time to the minimum, the
offers a very high equalizing
performance of 45 W with a maximum equalizing current of 4 A, limited to 0.75 A per single cell. The
controls all charging parameters of the cells and is able to communicate with chargers like the
Pulsar 2
or Akkumatik to reduce the charge or discharge current, if required. The
will even initiate an
emergency shut down of the charging process, if the positive charging leads are connected to it.
During the equalizing process, the cells with the highest voltage in the accupack deliver the energy for the cells
with the lowest voltage. This principle increases the overall efficiency and reduces the load on the power supply,
e.g. a starter battery.
Technical Data
Type of Accus
Li-Ion, Li-Po, Li-Ph
(Li-Ion FePO
Max. Equalizing Performance
45 W
Max. Equalizing Current per Cell
0,25 A; 0,5 A; 0,75 A (continuous)
Min. Equalizing Current per Cell
25 mA; 50 mA ;75 mA (continuous)
Max. Operating Current of
Up to 1,2 A
No. Of Cells equalized simultaneously
1 to 11 (12 Channels)
Modes of Operation
Test, Equal, Fast
Operating Voltage
6 to 60 V
Quiescent Current
At 2 cells: 18 mA; at 12 cells: 10 mA
2 h; 4 h; unlimited
LCD / 133x64 mm
Emergency shut down at
75 V; 15 A
Air Cooler
Temperature regulated
Dimensions ca.
120 x 110 x 34 mm
Weight abt.
300 g