VGA & Stereo Audio CAT5 Extender – Built in Skew Corrector
VE02DALS is a CAT5 receiver and special designed for long range transmission over cost effective
CAT5 cable to instead of VGA and Audio cable and workable for all our CAT5 VGA transmitters.
It’s built in RGB skew adjustment for the optimum video performance under long cable run.
This AV Extender is the smart, fast and cost-effective, eliminates costly and bulky VGA and Audio cable
and the most efficient way to move multimedia content from player to display. Used in pairs, the
VGA & Audio Extender is used in Shopping malls, public address systems, airports, train & bus station,
boardrooms, trade shows, computer based training application.
VGA & Stereo/Digital Audio CAT5 Receiver– Built in Skew
Work with VE01T, VE02T, VE05T, VE02DAT, VE02ALT, VE05ALT CAT5 VGA transmitter as a high quality
Built in RGB skew adjustment for the optimum video performance under long cable run.
It could be daisy chained for another VE02DALS to extended working range over 300 meters and
multiple displays.
Built in analog audio, digital audio output ( coaxial, optical)
Built in equalization, gain adjustment.
Supports up to 1600x1200 @85Hz.
Digital transmission on analog stereo audio for sound undistorted.
support LPCM 44.1K
96K / 16bit stereo decode function, digital and analog could
simultaneously output. Dolby Digital (AC3) and DTS digital output supported.
View of installation: