User Manual
Condor 415U-1-Cx Battery Powered Wireless IO
Version 1.4
a) Network
b) Radio
c) I/O Quick Setup
d) Update Time
e) Paralysis Time
f) Output Tail Time
Configure the time that unit will remain connected to
allow output values to be read in reaction of sensor
input values being set to SCADA or PLC.
g) Outputs Timeout
Time that the unit is in communication failure before it
will reset outputs to default state
h) Restore Default Configuration
i) Disable Front Panel LEDs
j) Return to Main menu
Saving and loading of Unit Configuration
Note: supported in R1.6 or later firmware
The Condor 415U-1-Cx internal configuration is stored in non-volatile memory in the unit. It is
recommended that the configuration is backed up to allow quick replacement of units if there is a unit
failure by surge for example. The configuration can be written to a USB memory stick and then later
reloaded into the unit if required.
The file is secured and encrypted using the units Engineer password and to later load the configuration
this password will be needed to de-encrypt the file.
The file name used when saved includes the units serial number and Station name which allows
multiple files to be saved onto USB and then recovered very quickly to load into the correct 415U-1-Cx
It is recommended that the configuration files be backed up securely and not rely on USB media for
long term storage.
Note that during the configuration writing and read process the terminal USB connection will be
temporarily suspected which with some terminal programs will require to be reconnected. Others
such as Teraterm can do this reconnection automatically.
Not also that during the writing and reading process DO NOT remove the USB memory stick from the
unit as file corruption can occur.
The Show/Save configuration, read from USB and Write to USB configuration options are accessed
from the main menu as below as indicated:
Main Menu:
a) Unit Config
b) I/O Setup
c) Set Accumulators
d) Unit Diagnostic
e) Change Password
f) Set Date & Time
g) Show/Save Configuration
h) Read Configuration from USB Drive
i) Write Configuration to USB Drive
j) Logout
Show/Save Configuration will display the complete configuration and if there are pending
configuration changed then will prompt user to save these to internal memory.