ElMod M16
Instructions for Assembly and Handling
Please read this document carefully!
Overview of connectors
1 Power supply
2 Fuse for turret and light functions
3 Connector for turret section
4 Volume control
5 Speaker cables
6 microSD-card with sample sets
7 Receiver Connectors (4 Channels & BEC) 8 Main motor connector
9 Steering servo connector
10 Light connector
11 Main switch
12 ElMod Configurator link
L1 Status-LED 1 (drive functions)
L2 Status-LED 2 (sound functions)
Remove the original PCB carefully. Do not damage the sensitive connectors and
thin cables!
Replace the original electronics PCB with the ElMod M16. It fits exactly in the
present mounting holes. Fasten the board with two screws.
Attach the original cables to the corresponding connectors (power supply, main motor, steering servo, turret section, lights). Take care!
The connectors for the power supply and the main motor may be accidentally swapped!
Attach a proper RC-receiver (4-channel) to the corresponding cables. The wire color pin assignment is as follows:
right stick
left stick
Turret, weapon and special functions
The ThinkTank M16 provides the power supply for the receiver (BEC, stabilized 5V DC) via the red/black wires which are part of the
proportional cable set.
Depending on the receiver it may be necessary to adjust the channel order or swap its movement direction.
Check the manual of your rc gear for details.
The receiver may be placed in the hollow space above the drive wheel (see picture)
Connect an appropriate loudspeaker (8 Ohm) to the speaker wires.
Jack the vehicle up, so that the chains can move freely.
Attach a full charged battery to the power supply connector. Switch the RC-radio and the ThinkTank M16 board on.
Both LEDs comes on after 3-4 seconds. If a LED remains off or blinks, see the following table to determine the
L1 (status drive functions)
No power (check the battery and the main switch)
No receiver signal detected. Check the RC gear!
L2 (status sound function)
No SD-Card detected or faulty card
Communication problem or faulty hardware
move the left stick to the upper most position to ignite the engine. If another function shows up, check the wiring of the receiver and the
setup of your radio! Disable all mixers in the radio. If necessary check the function and mapping of the radio channels with a common
adjust the volume if you don't hear the engine noise
check the drive, steering and light functions
switch the power off and attach the turret section
power on the board and check the turret functions (rotation, elevation, shot) with the left stick of the radio
the vehicle is now operable
© ElMod - 19-03-04