Elmo Zoom C-300 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание Zoom C-300

Страница 1: ...d 1 I I i I I I I...

Страница 2: ...ELl IIO ZOOM C 300...

Страница 3: ...l9 lens f al le x sysTem Split image focusi ng adjustment 1 2m to c Indi ltion of r stops in fi nder A djusta b le flyep iae 6 C ther Self ofl toir l ed 85 fi lter used or lly for Koda c hr ome 11 Iy...

Страница 4: ...is an al l pur pose lop c lass Brnrn movie camera which USES a ll thr ee typ es of 8mm movi e film It consists of the camera body a nd film magaz ine The most important feature of the camera is its n...

Страница 5: ...E lght Cldiu l m e nl r ill g 5 Eyesigh t ad justment lOCk ring 6 Battery 1051 meIer 7 BOllery reST button 8 AM dial stopper 9 AM d ia l 10 Built In liller Icr ew 11 Accessory shoe 12 Ballery comp n...

Страница 6: ...cop 5 FR dial stoppe r 6 FR dia l 7 Cal rI ing strap 8 Marl al zoom d ia l 9 Film plan e index 10 Film indicating w in dow 11 Rernote con nsctor r8ceptacie Th ere i a tr ip od hoi in th e center of t...

Страница 7: ...e of ELMO ZOOM C 300 Elec tricolly Dr ivan ELMO ZOOM C 300 TTl arld Manual Ad justm ent Shu tt er Button f ilm Transport Speed Zooming Reverse ShooTing ond Rewinding SlnQle 8 Magazine Super S Maga zin...

Страница 8: ...0 sell contained toster which indicates Ihe slole of th e batteries and the merCl ry cel l Pusk th e roar o f the test bu tt on eM to chock the molo r bolleries 6V a nd the front E to check the me rc...

Страница 9: ...d sin ce mercur y ce ll curron t wi ll flat flow wit l th e over in pla ce Always kee p th e co ver in position wherl storing or carrying T h camcr a The mercur y ce ll c an be replaced easily by remo...

Страница 10: ...e molo r rot a les for filming The bUllon ho a hole for ordinar y coble re leoso If th e d ia l arr ow is se t to posilio n L afte r th e shutter button ha s been deprossed Iflo button is locked and c...

Страница 11: ...peed s used lor shooling Voi quoli ty is improved 0 1 lhis speed Film tr anspo r t speed change is mode willl the sp eed d i al arrow to tho desir ed pos ition 5 1 fps oppro o 20 second l Sofety lad 1...

Страница 12: ...1 15 n9 Ihe flold wi d th to increose C IIJ The above procedure is k nown as outolooming Howave r manual zooming at olher speeds is possible by turn ing the zooming diol with the fingsfs of the I ft h...

Страница 13: ...d whl l the F R b lt l o i n t 1 pcd ticn Tn 1 I safety eoture I vl lw of tll s reve r o fil ming g nd o v r lOllpi n g er e r Q po ssibl e w H Su er 8 l il m lSe f or o re ve r se iilmin g it is nece...

Страница 14: ...y fronl center of Ihe cartridge Refe r 10 the photogr aph There IS a downward poin ting OI OW on this film protru siOil However do not touck th e film l or although this portion hos alread y been ext...

Страница 15: ...refully thread the film protrusion Ihrough the fi lm gal e mol ing sure th at it is correctly pos itioned The positi on i s correct if the arrow on the film is visib le Ihr olJgh Ihe window on th e f...

Страница 16: ...tinue to run but the film w il l auto ma ticall y stop at the F posit io n Remove the 5ln g le 8 ma ga z in e from the camero and ope n it s cove r Remo ve the Sin g le B car tr id ge The po ti o n o...

Страница 17: ...he film counlor is loeared on Ihe left side 0 1 Ille m og o z ne The sca le runs fr om S to 0 to 50 to f and progre ses from the loft to the righl Refer to the photograph Beglr filmirl g ofter I Llnrl...

Страница 18: ...s from the car trid ge Insert th is portion so thot it enters the Super 8 magazine I ront an d dose the cover Th is comple tes loading The ASA sensitivity odjustllenl is mode Ol tornoticolly at the 50...

Страница 19: ...he fil ter sc rew located in the proper position for retracti ng the f ilter Normally this screw is positioned in the top hole accessory Shoe When the cartri dge is removed the film counter w ill re t...

Страница 20: ...rop loc d Magazine safel sh utte r Double 8 Him is 16mm wide and the l ngth is 25 l ee t 7 5 me ters However _ the actuol leng th exceed s 30 feet a prox_ 9 meters As ill Jstrotod e posure Is made Iw...

Страница 21: ...l Windirlg direc ti on is shown by arrow wh on the CD side of th e Elmo spool foeas up Refer to the illustration Pass th e soction of film bqlween the two spools through the film gate and posi tion th...

Страница 22: ...dial a bove the ASA w in dow ir t he cente r of the magaz ine a nd set tha va lue appe ar in g in Ihe w ill dow to r he ASA number sens iti vity of th e loaded fi lm The fi lm ASA number may le determ...

Страница 23: ...zine and for cing tile lever downward while pullin g e v er se th e magazine and r ep l ace in the camero As the blod bullall SHUTTE R OPF N IlOW laces th viAW fmd er barrel push It ooWn The fi lm cou...

Страница 24: ...ed film Ihere is I c onsiderable hlnglh 01 iilm which i wn t d_ With ihl l HMO C 300 moU ai t i5 odd llional film mcy be I Ised With he Do uble 8 ma gazine e xposur e moy ce made from Ihe 0 point to t...

Страница 25: ...o mel o it i s easy to fo r ge t o n whi c h side the shooting was stoppod Thfl n if th e ma gaz in e is posi tio ned aCCidenta ll y in th e wr o ng d lrllc ti o n hy mi stoklnQ 1 1 side exposure for...

Страница 26: ...with th e index and midd le fin gers Refer to the photo graph Turn the eyesight odtus1menl ring or Ihe eyepiece to right or left fo r individua l preference After th is odius tmellt loci the adjustmen...

Страница 27: ...ely hi gh snow scenes beaches etc the nee dle ind ica ti o n w ill be off scole on the 16 end of tho index On th e o ther hand a n extr emely low light leve l will couse the needle indication to be of...

Страница 28: ...85 filte r This filter is filted in fr o nt o f Ihe lerH ond gives optimal co lor efi9cts Clo se up l en s By filting the close up le ns irl frorlt of the camero Clnd settirlg the zoom dial 10 36mm_...

Страница 29: ...ac co mpli she d by a fade r The ELMO fader COI1 S S S 01 two pol ar Oid plate s W hen fi tted in frent o f the lens Ihis a ss embly gi ves the d esired l od e oul l od in For ove rla pping In len s c...

Страница 30: ...e co nnec tor ols c Functions as a sell timer Refer to th e ind ividu a l in stru ctian for usage Carr yin g Cose This feature is o lso very uselvl in sheeli ng ti nid birds and similar subiec ts The...

Страница 31: ...performan ce grace s the use of all three types of Bmm film When ELMO Tape Sound ETS is used with a tope recorder Ihe rew ll is e njoyable sound movies ELMO Tape Sound efTS A synchroniz in g device f...

Страница 32: ...I I I 1 I i II I I h I crknn umut col eclioll Istnnbul I I I...
