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Elmes Electronic 06.2016. All rights reserved
RP-501S (trans receiver set), RP501T (transmitter only), RP501R (receiver only)
The set consists of four channel radio transmitter and dedicated superheterodyne type receiver designed for wireless transmission of 4 transmitter
inputs state to the receiver. In advantageous, obstacle free environment (trees, buildings, constructions, etc.), operating range may reach up to 500
meters. The set and its components are designed for use in alarm, security and remote control applications.
The receiver is 12VDC powered. The transmitter may be either 12VDC or/and 3V (2 x AA type) alkaline type battery powered.
Transmitter Operating Modes are selected by the use of jumpers on pins 1..10.
IMPORTANT! Every time a new operating mode is selected with jumpers 1-4 and 5-6, the transmitter must be programmed (learned) to the receiver
to validate the new settings. Change of jumpers on pins 7-8 and 9-10 does not require new learning of the transmitter to the receiver.
Mode 1 (Continuous).
Any D1..D4 input/s activation in the transmitter triggers radio transmission and setting on corresponding
output/s in the receiver. Also, any input state change during the transmission results in the receiver output state change
correspondingly. The transmission is terminated on all inputs return to inactive state. The receiver outputs remain set on for a
programmed period of time. If transmitter inputs remain active for longer than 15 or 40 seconds (*), it automatically switches to 1
second transmission every 1 minute break interval.
Mode 2 (Prolonged).
Activation of any input in the transmitter triggers transmission setting corresponding outputs in the receiver. It
lasts 15 or 40 seconds (*) even if the activation is terminated earlier. If any other input is activated in the mean time, the transmission is
prolonged and will convey information on activation of both inputs. If transmitter inputs remain active for longer than 15 or 40 seconds
(*), it automatically switches to 1 second transmission every 1 minute break interval. Receiver outputs remain set on for programmed
period of time since end of last transmission.
This operating mode is recommended for use in multi transmitter system, because if any transmitter sets on output D1 of the receiver
and it is followed by signal from second transmitter with active input D2, both receiver’s outputs D1 and D2 will be set on as the
transmission from second transmitter does not reset output set on by earlier transmitter signal.
Mode 3 (Radio relay).
Every D1..D4 input state change in the transmitter (activation or deactivation) triggers radio transmission
lasting 15 or 40 seconds (*). Corresponding outputs in the receiver are set on until new transmitted settings are received.
In this operating mode receiver’s outputs state is the actual representation of transmitter’s inputs state.
Mode 4 (Relay+cyclic).
Operating mode similar to mode 4 except that every 80 seconds transmitter triggers 1 second lasting
“receiver’s outputs state” refreshing transmission. Meaning of this refreshing transmissions may be of importance in the risk of power
supply failure or radio interference problems.
(*) Transmission duration lasts 15 or 40 seconds in 1 second transmission cycle every 2 seconds break, as selected by jumper 7-8: on - 40 seconds,
off – 15 seconds.
Transmitter Inputs.
The transmitter features 4 control inputs that can be NC – normally closed type (jumper 9-10 on) or NO – normally open type
(jumper off). If inputs are NC type, they are shorted to ground (- VDC) when inactive and active if disconnected from ground. In NO mode,
operation is reversed.
The Receiver.
It features 4 galvanic separated relay outputs that can be jumper set to NC or NO type in inactive mode. Outputs type jumpers are
placed close to the relays. Receiver LED changes light from red to green on any receiver output set on while signal output S generates 1 second
lasting pulses (shorting to receiver ground - VDC) every 1 second break.
Receiver Operation with Many Transmitters.
In operation mode 2 up to 60 transmitters may be programmed to a receiver while in modes 1, 3
and 4 multi transmitter operation is not recommended. This is due to the fact that in modes 1, 3, 4 every new transmission received resets receiver
outputs to a new state. In consequence, outputs set by one transmitter would be reset by another. Only in mode 2 once set outputs will remain for
programmed time period and during that time other transmitter signals would not reset them.
Transmitter Operation with other Elmes Electronic Receivers.
There may be many RP501 transmitters operating in different modes with
receivers types CH4H, CH8H or CH20H. Example: to output 1 of CH4H receiver may be programmed input 1 of RP501 while to output 2 of the
receiver input 1 of other RP501 transmitter can be programmed. In this mode, every output of the CH4H receiver is controlled by only one
transmitter and other transmitters do not influence operation of the output. IMPORTANT: In operation of RP501 transmitter with other than
dedicated RP501 receiver, the radio communication link testing feature cannot be used.
Additional Features of the RP501 set:
Tamper Protection.
Both the transmitter and the receiver of the RP501 set have sabotage (TAMPER) protection switches. In the transmitter, the
TAMPER switch is connected in series with control input D4. To activate the TAMPER function in transmitter ZT marked wire jumper must be cut.
Transmitter box opening will trigger the same action as activation of control input D4.
Low Battery Warning in Transmitter.
If the RP501 transmitter is battery powered only, its voltage drop to 2,7 Volts would set on a warning
feature by green LED pulsing in the receiver. Battery replacement ceases the warning feature. Low battery warning transmissions are send to the
receiver every 4 minutes.
Radio Communication Link Testing.
This function allows detection of radio link failure between transmitter and receiver. It is activated by setting
off jumper 5-6 in the transmitter (new learning of the transmitter to the receiver must be remembered). When activated, every ca 35 seconds the
function triggers radio link testing transmission. If the receiver would not receive test transmission within 90 seconds due to e.g. interference or
transmitter failure, a warning alarm will be set on by pulsing red of the receiver LED and warning pulses at the signalling output S with 0,5 second
pulse every 1,5 second break (if jumper JP1 is on) or, permanent S output shorting to ground (if jumper JP1 is off).
Radio link warning alarm will last till new transmission is received by the receiver.
IMPORTANT! Only one transmitter in the system may operate with radio link testing feature set on.
Practical operating range of the RP501 set depends on local radio waves propagation conditions that are buildings, trees, constructions,
etc. It is strongly recommended that every new installation must be operating range tested before firm fitting with transmitter and receiver not to be
installed on the edge of tested operating range. Not used control inputs of the transmitter should be left inactive, that is shorted to ground if jumper
9-10 is on or, left open if jumper 9-10 is off. Antenna wire must not be glued to wall.