RS232 to DMX Converter
The DS232 is an RS232 to DMX controller/driver. Connect an RS232 terminal or computer port to the DS232 unit
and drive 256 channels of DMX controlled dimmers and devices. A set of commands and auto fade rates offer power
and flexibility for controlling DMX equipment. Use any RS232 terminal application to create command strings to: turn
on, off, fade up, and fade down dimmer channels. Or set a single channel or range (or a multiple set) of channels to a
specific value, and add or subtract values to existing levels. Any of the command strings can have a fade rate up to
59.9 seconds, and all 256 dimmer channels can have an independent and simultaneous fade rate up or down. With the
global fade rate command, any existing fades can be updated to a new rate, finalize, or to immediately end any fades.
Connect an RS232 serial output device to the DS232’s RS232 input connector using a standard 9 pin male to
female through cable. Connect the DMX(512) controlled device(s) to the XLR output.
If the DS232 unit is equipped with
both 3 and 5 pin XLR connectors - USE ONLY ONE OF THE OUTPUT XLR CONNECTORS.
The ‘data’ LED will blink
when an RS232 character is received. The ‘error’ LED will illuminate solid if an invalid character, or if an invalid string
character is received. A blinking ‘error’ LED indicates an internal DMX transmission or RS232 overrun error has
occurred and input data commands could have been lost. Both errors can be cleared with a power reset, ‘R’ or ‘C’
Insure that the DMX512 daisy chain is terminated at the end device, up to a maximum of 32 devices, and
never ‘T’ a DMX daisy chain.
Note - If the DS232 unit is equipped with both 3 and 5 pin DMX output connectors - use only one.
DMX Device: Dimmers, Moving Heads,
LED Pars, Splitters, Relays, etc.
ELM Video Technology’s
RS232 to DMX
Converter / Controller
RS232 Source