Project design, installation and service manual
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Electromagnetic flowmeter FLONET FH30xx
Ň a. s., Luční 425/15, 301 00 Plzeň, Czech Republic, phone.: +420 377 517 711, fax: +420 377 517 722
Es 90678K
Remote meter control using the FLOSET 4.0 program
Flowmeters of the type series FLONET FH30xx are provided with the digital interface RS-485 MODBUS
RTU and interface HART
Through an interface RS-485 and communication software FLOSET 4.0 the meter can be connected
as subordinated equipment to a computer (a personal, notebook or tablet computer) with Windows 7 or
higher OS upgrade (Linux, iOS) with JAVA 8u40 or higher.
FLOSET 4.0 is not included in the scope of delivery.
On request we can deliver:
• LOSE . software
• LOSE . software User Guide
• lowme e confi a ion da a * .flo
• USB S-485 converter with connection cables
Program FLOSET 4.0 makes it possible to:
read the measured quantities (volume flow rate and flow volumes passed through the meter sensor
in both directions);
set the parameters of the measured quantities to be displayed (units and number of decimal
set the multifunction output parameters (in the binary, pulse or frequency operational modes), and
the current output parameters;
set the flowmeter language, date and time;
set the digital interface parameters;
set the data archiving parameters and read the archived data;
monitor extraordinary operational events and read the archived data on such occurrences. Communication interface MODBUS RTU
The physical form of this interface consists of a serial line RS-485 of the following parameters:
Speed 300, 600,1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 Bd;
8 data bits, 1 stop bit;
No parity.
Detailed description of communication via interface RS485 MODBUS RTU is given in the manual:
Es 90664K
Communication interface RS-485 MODBUS RTU
Electromagnetic flowmeters FLONET FH30xx and FLONEX FXx11x