Project design, installation and service manual
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Electromagnetic flowmeter FLONET FH30xx
Ň a. s., Luční 425/15, 301 00 Plzeň, Czech Republic, phone.: +420 377 517 711, fax: +420 377 517 722
Es 90678K
5.4 Cable placement
To minimise the effect of electromagnetic interference, the cables connecting the sensor and the meter
transmitter shall be laid at least 25cm away from the power cables of other electric equipment.
In selecting cable routes, attention shall be paid to the risk of thermal degradation of the cable insulation
due to nearby technological heat sources. All cables shall be laid outside the thermal insulation layers on
The cable glands shall be properly sealed and tightened with suitable tooling. To prevent cables from being
pulled out of the glands, their position shall be mechanically fixed no further than 0.3m away from each
Outside the gland
, the cable shall be bent to form a “dripping loop” the straight length of about 30mm of
the cable is led horizontally from the gland and then bent down to form a loop).
5.5 Power supply specifications
The electrical circuits of the transmitter forming part of a FLONET FH30xx flowmeter are designed as
floating, insulated from the ground potential.
The FH30xx electromagnetic flowmeter can be delivered with either AC or DC power supply.
AC power supply
95 to 250VAC, 45 to 65Hz, 3VA max.
Internal fuse T 1.25A/250 V, 5 x 20 mm
DC power supply
± 20% (19.2 to 28.8VDC), 3W max.
Internal fuse T 2A/250V, 5 x 20mm
Special attention shall be paid to the power supply arrangement in cases of an electromagnetic
flowmeter installed in a piping system provided with cathodic protection.
For more detailed information, see Section 5.7. (
Grounding and potential equalising
) hereof.
In locations with strong electromagnetic interference (e.g. in the vicinity of frequency converters), it is
recommended to include a filter in the power supply lines. The filter shall be installed as close as possible
to the meter transmitter.
Filter parameters:
Rated voltage:
Rated current:
0.5A or higher
Attenuation characteristic:
10kHz 10 to 20dB
10MHz 40dB
5.6 Input and output connections
Outputs from the flowmeter of the type series FLONET FH30xx are not intrinsically safe.
5.6.1 Multifunction outputs OUT1, OUT2
Functions and parameters
Passive outputs: electrically insulated from the ground and other inputs and outputs
Open collector: Umax = 30V, Imax = 30mA
Status in cases of power cut:
Output operational modes:
Frequency range 0 to 10kHz, duty cycle 1:1
Maximum frequency 100Hz
Selectable pulse number
Pulse length setting 1 to 999ms
Exceedance of set limit values of measured quantities
Permanently closed
No-error condition