Installation and First Start-Up
- 14 -
Parameter Level
Operating parameter settings
Activate Parameter Level
Keep pressed for min. 3 seconds / then press each 1 x
This key is used to activate the parameter level. After approx. 3 seconds, “P01” appears in the display for the
first parameter. When the key is pressed again, the corresponding parameter value is displayed, which can then
be changed. Thus all available parameters are selected one after the other.
Decade Selection
Press key once
Press this key to move the decade one digit from left to right.
The selected, changeable decade flashes on the display.
Change Value
Press key once
With this key the value in the selected decade is always increased by 1 (0 … 9 or 0/1).
Change Sign
With this key the sign can be changed for some parameters (negative sign is only possible if value is not ZERO).
Leave Parameter Level
Keep pressed for min. 3 seconds in the parameter level
All parameters will be retentively stored in the internal flash memory when leaving the parameter level.