Essential Features
The Series 54 / 56 programmable position indicators are available with either a 5 digit 13mm high LCD
display, a 5 digit 14mm red LED display, or 6 digit 10mm red LED display. The indicators incorporate
the following features :
- Input of required datum value by means of the front buttons
- Robust foil covered buttons and compact plastic enclosure
- Can be operated from the batteries or from external power supply
- Memory on power down
- Designed to operate from encoder or magnetic scale feedback
- Setting of multiplication factor for display
- Incremental and absolute measurement
- Programming of features using front buttons
- 5 or 6 Digit display with +/- symbol, LED or LCD.
- Inch/metric selection.
- Display extinguished after 10 sec to save battery.
- Datum offset available.
- External inputs.
The Range available is as follows :-
Series 54
single axis indicator available in LED or LCD display formats. Suitable for encoder
Series 56
single axis indicator available in LED or LCD display formats. Suitable for MX
magnetic scale feedback.
MX Magnetic Scale
The MX Scale is a non-contact magnetic linear measuring device used extensively with the ELGO
simple positioning and display product range. The MX scale usually consists of three components :-
MB20.50.xx,xm - Magnetic tape, available to lengths of 25m.
MS17.60.03,0m - Sensing head incorporating feedback cable.
- Signal translator which generates a quadrature feedback signal identical
to an encoder.
In the case of the above indicators, the MC has been incorporated (where appropriate) into the
indicators. The addition of this extra circuit board accounts for
the additional cost of the MX scale option
and the reason why, due to physical restrictions, the 56 series requires an external NG20 power supply.