2.1.3 Mixers and Mixer Motors
Powder form soluble hot drinks are being prepared ready to be presented in mixer bowls with
hot water. There are 5 mixers and mixer motors in a standard Maxi-Kafe coffee vending
machine (See Figure 2 - 18).
The positions of Mixers and Mixer Motors are not interchangeable.
There is a steam lid on the top of the mixers. It takes away the vapour
forming on the mixer. This feature is important in terms of keeping the
ingredients safe and dry correctly for a long time.
Replace mixer washers (O-ring) once a year.
2.1.4 Water Pump
It performs the task of pumping the water to the boiler. During inıtial operation it has to pump
4.5 L of water. Then it pumps a cup amount of water after each cup dispensed.
Operating the machine without water for a long time causes damage to
the pump and the pump needs to be replaced.
2.2 Front Door
The front door holds the electronic and electromechanic parts of the machine.
2.2.1 LCD Display
GLCD (Graphical Liquid Crystal Display - GLCD) is used for programming and throughout all
payment and product selection procedures (See Figure 1 - 6). Thereafter, will be referred as