DBMZ Version 1+1
Advanced User Manual
30 October 2007 Rev. A
©2007, Electronic Solutions, Inc.
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1355 Horizon Avenue, Lafayette, CO 80026-9304 USA
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Solutions, Inc.
This document is for the advanced user who has knowledge of the Z-Wave™
Command Classes and is able to initiate Z-Wave commands programmatically.
When the DBMZ sends a Node Info Report, it reports itself as a Basic Slave device
with generic support for Multilevel switch, specifically supporting the Multi-position
motor class. In addition to the mandatory command classes, it also supports
Manufacturer Specific, Version, All Switch, Configuration, and Power level
command classes (details and examples on how to utilize these classes below).
Status LED
On power-up, LED blinks GREEN once indicating Z-Wave processor Version 1.
This LED will blink green on reception of a valid Z-Wave command.
This LED will blink red if an error has occurred.
Motor LED
On power-up, this LED will blink RED once indicating motor processor Version 1.
This LED will stay red after power-up if the unit is not calibrated.
This LED will be green when ready for calibration (please see Calibration section).
There are 3 configuration parameters accessible via the
COMMAND_CLASS_CONFIGURATION. Each parameter is a single byte, and can
only contain the value of 1 or 0.
Sample commands:
To check unit calibration state, send CONFIGURATION_GET, 1. Return is a 0 or 1.
To check unit motor direction state, send CONFIGURATION_GET, 2. Return is a 0
or 1.
To check unit tilt feature state, send CONFIGURATION_GET, 3. Return is a 0 or 1.
To initiate calibration sequence, send CONFIGURATION_SET, 1, 1, 1.
To set motor direction to reversed and calibrate, send CONFIGURATION_SET, 2, 1,
1 (if already reversed, then no action).
To return all settings to factory default, send CONFIGURATION_SET, 1, 129, 1.