signature Features
Electric Hybrid Heat Pump Water Heater – Single Vent
Hybrid HEat PumP WatEr HEatEr
Product dimEnSionS
Height 70-1/2"
Diameter 25-1/2"
morE EaSy-to-uSE FEaturES
LiFEtimE LimitEd Warranty
Lifetime Limited Warranty supported by a 1-year labor, 10-year
parts and 15-year tank warranty to provide peace of mind.
LongEr LaSting
Lasts up to 2 times longer than standard electric tank-style
water heaters.
LEd digitaL diSPLay
Conveniently adjust temperature and operating modes with the
LED digital control and display.
Available in:
EnErgy EFFiciEncy
Uses up to 70% less energy than standard
electric tank-style water heaters.
PrEmium StainLESS StEEL
Durable premium stainless steel exterior
and interior tank.
EnErgy Star
Exceeds current energy standards, providing
a more energy efficient water heating solution
for your home.
nortHErn cLimatE tiEr 2
Exceeds current ENERGY STAR
providing the most versatile, quiet and
efficient water heater in its class.
66 gallons