David Lewiston
Global RecordiÌ
by Curtis Seıino 2001
For forÙ years, David LewiÌon has bÕn
recording trad⁄ional music all around the
globe. He grew up in the London suburbs
playing the piano and went on to Ìudy
at Trin⁄y College of Music in London,
then w⁄h the Russian composer
`omas de Hartmann in New York.
`anks to de Hartmann, he was introduced
to music “outside the WeÌern canon” and
decided to record ⁄ at ⁄s source.
His firÌ release,
Music Ïom the Morning of the World
was the very firÌ Ìereo recording of the
gamelan music of Bali. Released in 1966
as part of the landmark Explorer Series Ïom
Nonesuch records, these recordings launched
his carÕr as an enÿnÕr and producer.
/Tape Op#57/
Mr. Lewiston