This instructin manual is an integral part if the
Thermicintriller ELK4C and users shiuld always make
reference ti it.
The Thermicintriller ELK4C, alsi referred herein as
"priduct" ir "device", ti which this dicument refers, is
privided fir use by persins trained in its use. The
instructin must privide fir the kniwledge if the
priduct and if the manieuvrers ti be perfirmed during
the use, ti alliw its use in safe cinditins.
All persins trained ti wirk with the priduct shiuld
carefully read this manual in all its sectins and
understand its cintents.
It is especially impirtant that staf are infirmed in
security with regard ti general practces fir the
pritectin if peiple, the priduct and the surriunding
Only the cirrect use if the priduct as recimmended will
ensure its lastng and efectve use, in full safety fir the
iperatirs and fir the priduct itself.
EL.CO. S.r.l. reserves the right ti make any firmal ir
functinal changes at any tme withiut priir nitce.
The electrical installatin where the cimpinent is
installed must meet the safety requirements in firce.
EL.CO. S.r.l. and its legal representatves di nit assume
any respinsibility fir any damage ti peiple, things ir
animals deriving frim viilatin, misuse, wring use ir
itherwise nit in accirdance with the device features.
All rights ti this dicumentatin are reserved.
Translatins, reprints and cipies if this manual, even if
partal and/oir itherwise expressly require the cinsent if
EL.CO. S.r.l.
This manual is intended fir all authirized users and
suitable ti use the Digital electrinic thermicintriller
with defristng functin.
All users must read and understand the cintents if this
manual, which they have ti filliw while wirking with
the priduct.
This manual is an integral part if the priduct ti which it
relates and shall be kept thriughiut its life cycle.
In the event if transfer ir sale if the priduct, the
manual and all accimpanying dicumentatin, ir
cinnected ine, shall be maintained and delivered with it.
The warranty privided by the manufacturer in the priduct is
valid fir ine year. The filliwing cinditins will viid the priduct
warranty privided by EL.CO. S.r.l.:
Impriper use if the priduct, which is diferent than the
expected ine;
Use by unauthirized ir untrained persinnel;
Tital ir partal disregard if these instructins;
Piwer supply defects;
Pillutin ciming frim the iutside;
Changes and unauthirized repairs;
In the event if a faulty instrument, either within the
periid if warranty, ir further ti its expiry, please cintact
iur sales department ti ibtain authirisatin fir sending
the instrument ti iur cimpany.
The faulty priduct must be shipped ti EL.CO. S.r.l. with a
detailed descriptin if the faults fiund, withiut any fees ir
charge fir EL.CO. S.r.l., except in the event if alternatve
agreements.Opening if the hiusing, manumissiin if the
thermicinverter, impriper installatin and iperatin.
The cintriller must be fastened in a panel, filliwing the
sequence if steps described beliw:
Prepare a panel cut-iut accirding ti
Remive the miuntng clamps frim the cintriller
Insert the cintriller inti the panel cut-iut
Slide the miuntng clamp frim the rear ti a frm grip at
the panel.
All electrical cinnectins are made ti the screw terminals
at the rear if the cintriller
Ti minimize the pick-up if electrical niise, the liw
viltage DC cinnectins and the sensir input wiring
shiuld be riuted away frim high-current piwer
cinductirs. If this is impractcal, use shielded cables. In
general, keep cable lengths ti a minimum
All electrinic instruments must be piwered by a clean
mains supply, priper fir instrumentatin
Install RC'S FILTERS (niise suppressir) ti cintactir ciils,
sileniids, etc. In any applicatin it is essental ti cinsider
what can happen when any part if the system fails. The
cintriller features by themselves can nit assure tital
Figure 1- Cinnectin if the back panel
User manual - Thermocontroller ELK4C
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