2-input 9 output DMX / RDM splitter
Users manual
Types: DT229 / DT229-FI
Functional Overview
The DT-229 DMX / RDM splitter is a flexible DMX splitter with support for the bidirectional
extension to the DMX protocol called Remote Device Management ( RDM ).
Normal DMX cabling has to be done in daisy chain, meaning the from the DMX source (console),
the DMX connection goes to the first device, then to the next device and so on. At the last device
a terminator plug has to be plugged in. A maximum of 32 DMX devices is allowed on a single line.
This is not an ideal cabling scheme. To use a more star-like approach, DMX splitters are needed.
A splitter has an input and multiple outputs. Each output regenerates the signal, so each output is
again a new DMX source. This is sometimes also called boosting.
With the new RDM specifications, DMX is extended with the ability for devices to “talkback” to the
source (console). For this a special kind of splitter (or hub) is needed, like the DT229 or DT125.
These splitters will reverse the communication when required.