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Electronic Postage Computing Scale
PS 3000 W
with optional RS232 interface
Range 5000 gram
Resolution 1 gram
Product and Service Information:
Internet: http://www.elane.com.au
Please read this agreement carefully before using the program. By using the new ELANE data chip, you agree to abide by these terms and
applicable copyright laws. If you do not agree, promptly notify the provider of the program and request a refund of the amount you paid.
The program is owned by ELANE ELECTRONICS (AUSTRALIA) Pty. Ltd. and is licensed to the purchaser of the program, not sold.
ELANE grants the purchaser the nonexclusive license for the program.
Under this license you may use the program on one unit PS3000 and may transfer all of your license rights to another party in case of sale
or transfer of the complete PS3000 unit.
You may not:
1.) use, copy, merge, or transfer the program except as provided in this agreement.
2.) reverse assemble, reverse compile, or otherwise translate the program
3.) sublicense, rent or lease the program
Limitation of Liability:
ELANE will not be liable for any lost profits, lost savings, incidental, special or indirect damages or other economic consequential damages
during the use of the PS3000 and its program.