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Poor thermal contact within the CPU itself:
Some CPUs (such
as Intel LGA 1151 socket based Skylake, Intel LGA 1150 based
Haswell and older, and socket LGA 1155 based Ivy Bridge) are
notorious for their poor thermal contact between the CPU die
and the heat spreader (IHS) due to the use of poor TIM. This is
the problem of the processor itself, not the CPU liquid cooling
unit. These CPUs are known to get very hot (80°C +), even on
factory-set frequencies. For the best performance, it is usually
recommended to replace the TIM between the die and the IHS or
even run the processor de-lidded. Both options require hazardous
IHS removal that will void the processor’s warranty but can lead to
a temperature decrease of 30°C or more.
EK deems der8auer Delid Die Mate tool safe to be used by
experts for de-lidding the Intel Skylake CPUs.
Upon exhausting all options, please consult EK knowledge
base at http://support.ekwb.com. You can also ask a
question through EK Support ticketing system if needed.
The EK-Classic Kit D-RGB unit is equipped with fast-spinning EK-
Vardar high-static pressure PWM controlled fans that run at very
high speeds if the UEFI/BIOS is not set to control the fan speed.
Make sure to set control mode to PWM
(instead of DC). On
the majority of motherboards, this feature can be found in the
‘Hardware Monitoring’ section of the UEFI/BIOS. Please consult
your motherboard manual on how to change the fan speed.
Make sure the 4-pin PWM Fan connector is indeed plugged
in into the appropriate FAN header on your motherboard.
Please consult chapter
Electrical Connections