Operating Manual
/ 01.02.2021
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Packet filters
4 types of packet filter rules with different packet combinations
2 ports for the ring in order to guarantee a recovery time below 200 ms
Port-based VLAN
Tagged VLAN IEEE 802.1Q
Class of Service
IEEE802.1p Class of Service with 4 priority queues per port
Spanning Tree
IEEE802.1d Spanning Tree and IEEE802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree
IGMP v1 and query mode with up to 256 groups
SNTP for time synchronization
SMTP server and e-mail accounts for event messages
Port Mirror
Only TX packets or TX and RX packets
Firmware Update
Firmware update, TFTP backup and restore via TFTP, USB; HTTP
Alarm contact
Relay contact 25 VDC (1A) / 60 VDC (0.3 A)
Bandwidth control
Ingress and egress with combination options
DHCP Client
DHCP client function to receive an IP address from the DHCP server
GPL/LGPL guarantee and liability exclusion
switches from eks Engel GmbH & Co. KG (referred to as eks in the following) also include
open source software components in addition to proprietary software. The open source software is
provided to you according to the conditions of the GNU General Public License (GPL) and the GNU Lesser
General Public License (LGPL) free of license fees. It was written by third parties and is subject to copyright.
You are entitled to use open source software according to the conditions of the GPL or LGPL. In case of a
conflict between eks license conditions and the conditions of the GPL or the LGPL, the GPL and LGPL shall
apply to the open source components of the software.
The GPL and LGPL licenses and additional license information are available via the following URL on the
device (IP address upon delivery):
If the source code of the open source software is not delivered with the
, then you may
request it via the following e-mail address (together with the associated copyright instructions):
. The source code will be sent to you for the price the of copying and delivery costs.